I installed the module OpenID. When I try to login with an openid, it connects to the OpenID provider. Then it asks some info and when my browser is redirected to my site, I receive this error message:
msg: OpenID authentication failed: 'return_to' not signed
[janrain_nonce] => 2008-07-24xxxxxxx
[openid1_claimed_id] => xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[openid_sig] => xxxxxxxx
[openid_mode] => id_res
[openid_return_to] => xxxxxxxxxxx
[openid_identity] => xxxxxxxxxxx
[openid_signed] => identity%2Creturn_to%2Cmode
[openid_assoc_handle] => xxxxxxxxxxxx
[__utma] => xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[__utmz] => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[art_438] => xxxxxxx
[art_78] => xxxxxxx
[art_430] => xxxxxxx
[editor] => tinyeditor
[art_441] => xxxxxxx
[art_412] => xxxxxxx
[art_402] => xxxxxxx
[art_82] => xxxxxxx
[session] => xxxxxxx
[PHPSESSID] => xxxxxxx
[__utmb] => xxxxxxx
[__utmc] => xxxxxxx
[art_18] => xxxxxxx
[xoops_session] => xxxxxxx
(I don't know what info is safe to share, so I added a lot of xxxxxxx)
I followed the installation procedure according to the README file. As my server was in PHP safe mode, I manually made a folder called "_php_consumer" with its 3 subfolders (associations, nonces, temp) in the XOOPS Trust Path folder and I set the permissions to 777 (job done with FileZilla).
I also editted /modules/openid/library/Auth/OpenID/CryptUtil.php changing
define('Auth_OpenID_RAND_SOURCE', '/dev/urandom');
define('Auth_OpenID_RAND_SOURCE', null);
XOOPS version = XOOPS 2.0.16
Any ideas how to get it working??