Re: Brazilian mess
  • 2004/7/12 10:50

  • Mikhail

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 412

  • Since: 2003/1/19



Herko Coomans wrote:
For the last and final time: we do not take a position in this.

Yes, xoops.org take a position
choosing this group as official support.


And I'm warning you, if you keep using these forums for this discussion without any relevance for the general XOOPS community, you will get your second and final official warning.



As for there being one translation, if there are other translations, that's fine, as long as people know what they are choosing.

Herko, please
Is the same translation without the credits.
Again: respect my work.


Re: Brazilian mess
  • 2004/7/12 10:51

  • giba

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 638

  • Since: 2003/4/26


Herko Coomans wrote:
Oh and Giba, please do it in english, so everyone can read. We now know there are several brasillian sites where you can have this discussion in pt-br, so please do it there or in english.

Herko (getting tired of this useless discussion)

Sorry my friend Herko.

Re: Brazilian mess
  • 2004/7/12 10:56

  • Herko

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 4238

  • Since: 2002/2/4 1

Giba: consider yourself warned too. I specifically asked you to post in english, or somewhere else.

Sheesh, take a step back guys and see what you're doing here. It's open source development and more importantly, collaborative community work. Please respect each others work and this community, you're giving the Brasillian community (ANY br community!) a bad name, and by doing it here on xoops.org, you take us down with you. Is that what you wanted?? You should be ashamed...

Herko (disappointed)

Re: Brazilian mess
  • 2004/7/12 10:58

  • giba

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 638

  • Since: 2003/4/26


Herko Coomans wrote:
For the last and final time: we do not take a position in this. You will have to take that up with the XOOPS Brasil people, not here on these forums, as there is absolutely no relevance for this discussion here.

And I'm warning you, if you keep using these forums for this discussion without any relevance for the general XOOPS community, you will get your second and final official warning.

As for there being one translation, if there are other translations, that's fine, as long as people know what they are choosing.



Translation for portuguese by google.

Por a última e vez final: nós n?o fazemos exame de uma posi??o neste. Você terá que fazer exame acima daquele com os povos totais de XOOPS, n?o aqui nestes forums, porque n?o há absolutamente nenhuma relev?ncia para esta discuss?o aqui. E eu estou advertindo-o, se você se mantiver usar estes forums para esta discuss?o sem nenhuma relev?ncia para a comunidade geral de XOOPS, você come?arei seu segundo e aviso oficial final. Como para lá ser uma tradu??o, se houver outras tradu??es, que é muito bem, t?o longo como os povos sabem o que est?o escolhendo.

Thanks mr. Herko
Sorry, sorry, my english is bad, bad.

Re: Brazilian mess
  • 2004/7/12 11:05

  • digaosp

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 4

  • Since: 2003/11/22


Translation for english by Google:

Giba wrote:

Mr. Herko, we respect xoops.org and know of this. One Day I requested to Mr. Onokazu the inclusion of XOOPS underpop that at the time it was the only community in Brasil in xoops. It delayed, but it came... At that time he was XOOPS Portuguese of Portugal as being XOOPS of support for Brasil also.... After some months we were taken care of, as much I I eat the Mika. E we clearly thank voces of http://www.xoops.org and to the Onokazu for this at the time. Then, the community in Brasil went very well, creates many together things, had been more than 300 doubts solved, more than 100 editorials between the news and articles on XOOPS for the Brazil. Clearly this was not made by me and nor for the Mika, but for the community. This community today is not there, and has reason for this, but clearly that we cannot deny that the Mika has made very for the community xoops, clearly that made this cannot take off it the merit. But she is not the person to command the support community and nor to make XOOPS to arrive where it will have to arrive here in Brazil. Nobody goes the place none alone. To prevent these problems we are until considering an agreement with the Mika to finish with this thing all, but certain things do not have pardon. But clearly that if it will have common-sense will be able to be left this well, but it will have to ask for it forgives the community and it will be back in the brazil. Here nobody has obligation none with this, goes to descidir this back in the Brazil. Now if Mr. Herko will not be able or not to want, or to find that he has that to be two communities of support, ai goes my excuses and will follow our work in front, but never xoops.org must leave that the community http://www.xoops.net.br can be depreciated as already happened here. PS: Please, I do not want that post either alteradao of form some. I was trying an agreement to cast all the communities. I do not know what it would be but with certainty underpop would not be XOOPS the site of support, but this we go to arrange back in the Brazil.

Sorry, my english is very bad too...

Re: Brazilian mess
  • 2004/7/12 11:24

  • lykoszine

  • Module Developer

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If this crap is still going on, Herko can ask me to translate.

lykoszine (aka Sam) - back from the dead!

Re: Brazilian mess
  • 2004/7/12 11:28

  • Herko

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 4238

  • Since: 2002/2/4 1

Good to see you're back Lykos.

Brasillians: if you don't stop this immediately, I'll remove BOTH sites from the partners list!


Re: Brazilian mess
  • 2004/7/12 11:41

  • giba

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 638

  • Since: 2003/4/26


Herko Coomans wrote:
Good to see you're Back Lycos.

Brasillians: if you don't stop this immediately, I'll remove BOTH sites from the partners list!


Sorry Herko.
Please loock your MP.

Re: Brazilian mess
  • 2004/7/12 11:44

  • Herko

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 4238

  • Since: 2002/2/4 1

Giba: I don't care about your motivations, this is the international public XOOPS support forums, and your posts definately did not help keep up our good image.

Now, you work it out, shake hands, and make up. And then lets get back to doing what we all do best: XOOPSing


Re: Brazilian mess
  • 2004/7/12 11:49

  • giba

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 638

  • Since: 2003/4/26


Herko Coomans wrote:
Giba: I don't care about your motivations,

Yes ????
I don't care about your motivations

in portuguese:
Você deve estar com a raz?o. Pelo menos neste momento você está com a raz?o, mas neste momento.

You must be with the reason. At least at this moment you are with the reason, but at this moment.
The End.


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