Ok, David,
Just a question.
I already put that line in the theme.html
Now I have a doubt:
In which directory have I to look for theme.html?
I have more files.
As you can see in a picture above (in a previous post) I have 3 template:
the default
the ipb
and Positivo (that is a clone of ipb) and is in use.
Now, under the mysite/themes/ I see these directory:
but the template I am using is called "Positivo" and there is not a directory with such name.
I have added the line to the blue_ipb/theme.html
but still it doesn't work.
Did you generate templates for your new template set?
The fact is that into the template "positivo" the only files with the yellow backgroud are the 3 CSS files.
All the others are in black.
What exactly have I to do?
If you want I can send you my password so you can see how it is and may be do something.