Wow, lot of stuff here. I guess this will be a long post.
1) Actively try and track down the problems yourself
Tried/trying to do so.
2) Stay on, or roll back to
Doesn't fix, as DB is the issue once you upgrade. Also, leaaves you vulnerable to Santy worm.
3) Log Bug report at sourceforge and wait for something to happen
Already done.
4) Pay a developer to find and fix the problem
Not an option.
What I am in process of doing since that's all that left. has security issues so it isn't an option. It is the reason I upgraded, not becuase of PHP5 support.
One observation I have made is that everyone (bar a few) who are reporting these bugs is doing so with what seems to be an expectation for someone else to fix it for them (i.e XOOPS core team).
I don't know which group you are putting me in, but is it unreasonable for someone to expect the core team, when they make a release with a major bug, to then correct that mistake? Everyone makes mistakes. You do. I do. But I don't then go tell people to pound sand. I attempt to 1) apologize, 2) explain what happened 3) work to correct it. I find it
astonishing that people think it is OK for the dev team to tell the user base to pound sand and go fix it themselves. If
that is really the attitude, than XOOPS has bigger problems than this bug.
I would be
happy to help the devs fix this, but there has been
zero feedback on what to do. No: Can you try making change X in file Y.php. That makes it hard to fix for a non-coder. Or even for a coder who wasn't involved in the dev process for these upgrades.
My attitude isn't you broke it, you fix it.
It is you broke it, let's get this fixed.
But from the other side all that has been received is "we broke it. Sucks to be you (plural). We'll fix it when we get around to it."
Not good.
After the bug was discovered the dev team worked very hard to fix it so that other people weren't affected. There were a number of quickly released patched ( and to correct it so other people didn't get hosed. But then BOOM. Nothing. Can't be much of a priority if we can get immediate fixes out within a day, but have nothing happening for four weeks for those who got bitten by the bug.
jegelstaff is absolutely correct. This isn't a tiny little bug, but something that badly breaks a XOOPS site. If we were using a trouble-ticket system, it would be lableled "critical". Yet it sits unresolved, and worse yet, UNASSIGNED in the bug tracker. With little to no feedback from the devs on what, if anything, is being done to correct it.
So here is what I have done:
1. Tried rolling back to a previous version of code
2. Tried regenerating my templates
3. Tried regenerating my blocks
4. Tried cloning my template set
5. Tried downloading and then re-uploading my template set
6. Looked in the database for something that could be corrected. However the templating system spans a number of tables, making it beyond my ability to find anything helpful.
7. Filed a bug on sourceforge
8. Filed a bug here on
9. Tried a different theme
10. Kicked self in ass for not backing up my DB before patching.
So without any feedback from the devs on what can be tried now, I really don't think there is anything else I can do. If you have a suggestion, I am all ears. If not, then I believe my time is better spent migrating to another CMS than it is banging my head against a wall trying to locate the source of this bug by randmomly firing off in every direction until I hit something.
PS - Conrats on your MVP award brash. It's a good program and alot of fun.
PPS - I don't think anyone else is saying "just fix it for me" either. I could be wrong though.