I use XOOPS 2.05
I have been adapting iMenu for my purposes, but have come across problems right near the end of my struggles which I cannot seem to fix. I have managed fine to adapt the admin section and the menu to display submenus as you can see at
However, I am having difficulties in making the sub menu items hide properly. I am going for a very simple approach, just basing it on the module rather than a full heirachical database-driven solution.
function b_imenu_show($options) {
global $xoopsDB,$xoopsUser;
$myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();
$block = array();
$group = is_object($xoopsUser) ? $xoopsUser->getGroups() : array(XOOPS_GROUP_ANONYMOUS);
$result = $xoopsDB->query("SELECT groups, link, submenu, title, target FROM ".$xoopsDB->prefix("imenu")." WHERE hide=0 ORDER BY weight ASC");
while ( $myrow = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($result) ) {
$title = $myts->makeTboxData4Show($myrow["title"]);
if (strlen($myrow['title']) >= $options[0]) {
$title = $myts->makeTboxData4Show(substr($myrow['title'],0,($options[0]-1)))."...";
$groups = explode(" ",$myrow['groups']);
if (count(array_intersect($group,$groups)) > 0) {
$imenu['title'] = $title;
$imenu['target'] = $myrow['target'];
$imenu['link'] = $myrow['link'];
$linkaddr = explode("/", $imenu['link']);
$linkmodule = $linkaddr[2];
$path = getenv('REQUEST_URI');
$var1 = explode(".", $path);
$var2 = explode("/", $var1[0]);
$presentmodule = $var2[2];
$imenu['submenu'] = $myrow['submenu'];
if (eregi("^[([a-z0-9]+)]$", $myrow['link'], $moduledir)) {
$module_handler = & xoops_gethandler( 'module' );
$module =& $module_handler->getByDirname($moduledir[1]);
if ( is_object( $module ) && $module->getVar( 'isactive' ) ) {
$imenu['link'] = XOOPS_URL."/modules/".$moduledir[1];
if ($presentmodule == $linkmodule) {$submenushow = "1";
$xoopsTpl->assign('submenushow', $submenushow);}
$block['contents'][] = $imenu;
return $block;
function b_imenu_edit($options) {
$form = _IM_IMENU_CHARS." .$options[0]."' /> "._IM_IMENU_LENGTH."";
return $form;
<table cellspacing="0">
<td id="mainmenu">
<{assign var="submenushow" value="0"}>
<{foreach item=imenu from=$block.contents}>
<{if (($imenu.link != "") AND ($imenu.submenu =="0"))}>
<a class="menuMain" href="<{$imenu.link}>" target="<{$imenu.target}>"><{$imenu.title}>a>
<{elseif (($imenu.link != "") AND ($imenu.submenu =="1") )}>
<a class="menuSub" href="<{$imenu.link}>" target="<{$imenu.target}>"><{$imenu.title}>a>
Basically i picked out the /modulename/ part of the REQUEST_URI and then took the same bit out of the links. Then the idea is that if they are the same, I would make the variable $submenushow = 1 and in the smarty template, I would say <{if $submenushow == 1}> then display the sub menu item, else dont. Simple in concept, but I am not sure if I have done this bit correctly.
The problem arises when I try and use the code
if ($presentmodule == $linkmodule) {$submenushow = "1";
$xoopsTpl->assign('submenushow', $submenushow);}
I get:
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/chillout/public_html/modules/iMenu/blocks/imenu.php on line 37
Furthermore, when I use
<{elseif (($imenu.link != "") AND ($imenu.submenu =="1") AND ($submenushow == 1))}>
<a class="menuSub" href="<{$imenu.link}>" target="<{$imenu.target}>"><{$imenu.title}>a>
I get Quote:
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/chillout/public_html/modules/iMenu/blocks/imenu.php on line 37
So I think there is an error in my coding in both of these files. Please can someone who is better at PHP help me. Thanks.
(my site may look fine because I have commented these tricky bits out to maintain functionality for now).