I had problems with the title part, if they neglected to use one, the post was empty. So, I added text instructions on the signing page that all fields must be filled in.
I still got quite a few empty posts, just the name would be there. I posted several times myself to try and find where this happens. I found if the entry is previewed, it is there and when saving after previewing, it disappears.
Not knowing php, I deleted the preview button so they have no choice but to "post". I've had a few complaints as typos embarass them but no empty posts or blank pages so far!
I know a guy that is well educated writing php, java etc and he took a quick look at it. Said it is quite a complicated one as for how it fits together, it could take hours or days to nail it down so for now - no preview! Maybe some of the guys that made the original guestbook will be updating this?