Am I sidekick ? No
How should I know what's done and what's not, same as for the core and modules. When something is completed, there should be a Ping - "Hellooo, I've just finished translation of this or that".
Persian will be added today.Added
https://xoops.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?post_id=348510#forumpost348510To be completed (optional):
1. You should translate and add manually all mail_template/ content within /language and every module/.
2. formdhtmleditor.php from /language which is already removed from the other 3 Xoops forks, have to be edited manually, the file is outdated and should be removed with XOOPS 2.3, but heck - it's still there.
3. In install/finish.php - have to be edited with notepad, welcome.php too.
4. Ignore/remove help/ folders within any directory, contains non-sense information and is pointless to be translated...
5. Noticed, that some of your files contains invalid spaces, can u remove them and re-upload the files. With the release of 2.5.6 or 2.6.0 - all such translations containing invalid intervals anywhere in definitions will got wipe (automatically).
define( "SERVER_API", "API کارگزار" );
should look like this:
define("SERVER_API","API کارگزار");
Bcz of this formatting gijoe's modules will be dropped and translations too (damn how much time I lost with myalbum), which reminds me on point 6.
6. Protector files must be translated manually, bcz they're not with PHP defines.