phillipd wrote:
1) Why is it anymore awkward than just writing a module? What am I missing here?
2) What "support" was required that wasn't there previously.
3) Are there any restrictions I should know about?
4) Do you know of any other modules with admin scripts, that use smarty as the prevalent way to generate admin forms, I can use for educating myself?
Doug P
1) I don't consider it awkward at all. It's just like using Smarty in other pages, except you might need to adjust the path used to include files. This is pretty easy to debug (error message like "cannot find file X").
2) Maybe he means that more of the system module pages will be using Smarty out of the box. All but the system module will be removed from 2.1 and maintained separately.
3) Nope. Just remember you are in the admin dir one level down.
4) I "borrowed" my first modules code from Agenda-X and then stripped out all the un-needed code, so my modules all use Smarty in the admin pages, but you won't get much more than you would from Agenda-X.
I heartily encourage you to use Smarty everywhere. It works and obviously is easier to maintain. The fact that Smart was not used in the system module might be part of the reason that not much updating has been done there. The code is hard to understand because of all the embedded HTML. If they "Smartify" it for 2.1, that would be a huge benefit.