Re: Multixoops - With version 2.3.3 - RC
  • 2009/10/11 14:47

  • DicE

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  • Posts: 5

  • Since: 2009/10/4

ok. Got 1.2 with the 1.22 and patches installed. Made the changes suggested here in the thread also. The last part I did was the change in common.php to try and get the change in themes working.

And now I got the error that the method isActive() is undefinded.
could it be that this is replaced/changed maybe?

thanks again.


Re: Multixoops - With version 2.3.3 - RC
  • 2009/10/10 21:40

  • DicE

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  • Posts: 5

  • Since: 2009/10/4

Hi there,

seem to have the same problem as reported a few pages back. v1.2 installs correctly on my fresh v2.3.3b installation, but when installing the v1.22+ patches release I get an error:
Parse errorsyntax errorunexpected '}' in C:wampwwwmodulesmultisiteclassdomain.php on line 613

I have tried installing the module during setup, as well as just after completing a fresh install. Anybody knows why this is happening? Please assist as I could really use this.

on a seperate note, how do I define the 2 subdomains in Apache? is that using the virtualserver entries?

could I get some pointers on how to make this work on localhost please? thanks in advance for all your help and patience.


Hi, Can someone advise on how to install multisite please? I installed XOOPS 2.3 and then I over wrote the installation with XOOPS 2.3-multi-1.22 patch. And then everything goes blank! Are there any instructions anywhere? Thanks in advance.

Re: change theme depending on where you are on the site
  • 2009/10/10 7:51

  • DicE

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  • Posts: 5

  • Since: 2009/10/4

I think we're getting there

I looked into the multixoops also.
couldn't really get it to work on my localhost site though.

I'll give it another try and see how thinks work out.

You say that users should register themselves and then should be added to groups. the majority of people who will be looking at this site will be doing so only for getting some info about the activities of the sportsclub though. It will not be very community-active or something. Most people will not want to make an account in order to see the news. So I'll need to see into getting the right news on the mainpage, depending on which sub-domain is being visited, rather then which user group.

still some thinking to do I guess :)

thanks again


Re: change theme depending on where you are on the site
  • 2009/10/8 20:19

  • DicE

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  • Posts: 5

  • Since: 2009/10/4

Hi Ghia,

thanks for your suggestion. I had a look at the Defacer module.
it allows changing of the theme depending on which page/module etc of the site you are visiting e.g. the news module.

But what I am looking fore would use the same pages, it's the content and theme that would change depending on which sport you select.

I fear that what I want to do requires some custom mods :(
Unfortunately my knowledge of the XOOPS system is still to basic for that...

how would you go about this? Say you have a person who wants a side that talks about cars and phones (just an example )

there should be a way to select which topic you want to see info about and depending the one you choose; the main page updates its news, changes the theme or colors; the info pages contents is about that topic; etc etc.
Is that not possible with Xoops?

thank you again for your help. I understand if I'm asking a bit too much perhaps. Just need to find a way to get started I guess...


change theme depending on where you are on the site
  • 2009/10/7 20:01

  • DicE

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 5

  • Since: 2009/10/4


I'm fairly new to xoops. Have some xp with other php site systems like Oscommerce etc, but now I needs to design a site for a local sportsclub. They offer soccer and tennis and I had the idea to use a XOOPS site, with on the top part of the site the choice to either check out the tennis or the soccer part of the site.

depending that, I'd like to switch the site into another theme or at least color scheme.

Is this something that is possible? How would you guys go about it?

thanks for any info you might have to get me started.




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