Re: catads
  • 2011/10/16 14:17

  • satrebil

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 15

  • Since: 2009/5/3 2


To make the DHTML editor supports HTML code is necessary to include the code that I have indicated in the previous post and change the reading of the fields we want that support HTML before editing.

For example if we want the description field supports HTML code should replace the
$ads_desc $ads->getVar('ads_desc');

$ads_desc $ads->getVar('ads_desc','e');

before editing in the forms.

In version 1.53 RC3 @ Peekay says that we must modify the line 280 of file adsedit.php with the code indicated above

The same as we do in all forms and in all the fields we want that support HTML

(Sorry for my bad English)

Re: catads
  • 2011/10/15 9:55

  • satrebil

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 15

  • Since: 2009/5/3 2


What version of the catads module are you using?


Re: catads
  • 2011/10/14 20:04

  • satrebil

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 15

  • Since: 2009/5/3 2


The first thing we have to do is get catads HTML support.

This requires modifying the ads.php file which is located in the subdirectory class
We need to add at the end of CatadsAds function () the following code:

Once we've done this we can change the editing of the fields to allow you edit HTML with DHTML or TinyMCE

(Sorry for my bad English)

Re: formcheckbox.php validation not working in XOOPS 2.5.1a
  • 2011/9/8 7:56

  • satrebil

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  • Posts: 15

  • Since: 2009/5/3 2


The same problem is still playing the xoops version 2.5.1a

The problem occurs when there is a checkbox form with only one option and that is required.

This option is used for example to validate the privacy policy in a contact form (to comply with European legislation on data protection).

The solution is the same as proposed above for XOOPS 2.5.0.

It would be interesting in the future version 2.5.2 was resolved.

Reported in tracker


(Excuse me for my english)

Re: Publisher: sharing links to popular social networking services such as Facebook, Twitter
  • 2011/7/15 16:52

  • satrebil

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  • Posts: 15

  • Since: 2009/5/3 2


I do not use publisher, but I've been watching and I think the best option is to modify the template publisher_item.html.

If you edit the template file contains HTML and Smarty tags to publish the information. You can put the code addthis in the place you want to display. It may be the end, or for instance after the main text ($ item.maintext), ...

I hope that helps you

Sorry for my bad English.

Re: Publisher: sharing links to popular social networking services such as Facebook, Twitter
  • 2011/7/15 12:42

  • satrebil

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  • Posts: 15

  • Since: 2009/5/3 2


As Bjuti says, Addthis.com is a very good option to share links and is very easy to configure and install.
Simply add a small HTML code in the template or templates for each module you want to use it.
You can see it in operation in the module news here, and in the module oledrion here.
You can add the addthis.com code in any template , or if you want also the theme to appear on all pages.

Sorry for my English.


Re: Mymenus : menu display out of the block
  • 2011/4/26 11:17

  • satrebil

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I use mymenus. I have a block in the template and it works correctly, so I think the problem is in the template html or css.

If you post the url or send me a PM I can look to see if I detect the problem.

P.D.Sorry for my bad English.

Xforms Module 1.2: No upload pictures or files
  • 2011/4/14 21:15

  • satrebil

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  • Since: 2009/5/3 2

I have a problem with the module xforms 1.2 installed on a 2.5 xoops.

Installation Information:
Versión de Xoops XOOPS 2.5.0
Versión de PHP 5.2.11
Versión de mySQL 5.1.38-log
API del Servidor cgi-fcgi
OS Linux
safe_mode Off
register_globals Off
magic_quotes_gpc Off
allow_url_fopen Off
fsockopen On
post_max_size 60M
max_input_time 120
output_buffering 4096
max_execution_time 120
memory_limit 128M
file_uploads On
upload_max_filesize 60M

Everything works fine except if I add a form field of type image or file.

In this case, I receive the mail, but the file information (file or image) does not appear.

I tried setting different ways of sending mail (PHPMail, Sendmail and SMTP).

I have also tried both options provides the module does not work with any of them, or as an attachment to email or upload directory.

I have reviewed the forum, xoops. org, including other languages ​​so as to liaise with xforms (as xforms is based in liaise) but I have not found the solution.

The truth is that no one else can happen to be. If you think of any one option that has left me ...

Thank you and excuse me for my poor English

Re: Happy Birthday Michael Beck (Mamba)
  • 2011/4/8 20:41

  • satrebil

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  • Since: 2009/5/3 2

Happy Birthday Michael!

Re: formcheckbox.php validation not working in XOOPS 2.5.0
  • 2011/3/11 18:04

  • satrebil

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 15

  • Since: 2009/5/3 2

Hi Trabis,

Test conditions:

System features:
Versión de Xoops    XOOPS 2.5.0
Versión de PHP    5.2.11
Versión de mySQL    5.1.38
API del Servidor    cgi
OS    Linux
safe_mode    Off
register_globals    Off
magic_quotes_gpc    Off
allow_url_fopen    Off
fsockopen    On
post_max_size    60M
max_input_time    120
output_buffering    4096
max_execution_time    120
memory_limit    128M
file_uploads    On
upload_max_filesize    60M

Code used:
include 'mainfile.php'
$form = new XoopsThemeForm('Form''form''testform.php'); 
$checkbox = new XoopsFormCheckBox('Check Caption multi option''checkmulti'); 

$checkbox2 = new XoopsFormCheckBox('Check Caption only 1 option''checkonlyone'); 

$select = new XoopsFormSelect('Select Caption multi option''select'null3); 

$select2 = new XoopsFormSelect('Select Caption only 1 option''select2'null3); 

$form->addElement(new XoopsFormDhtmlTextArea('Text'"text"), true); 

$editor = new XoopsFormEditor('Text2''text2', array('editor' => 'DhtmlTextarea'));

$editor2 = new XoopsFormEditor('Text3''DhtmlTextarea', array('name' => 'text3'));

$button = new XoopsFormButton('Submit''submit''Submit button''submit'); 



Test results:
With the original code operation of XOOPS 2.5.0 the operation code in different browsers (IE, Firefox and Chrome) is as follows:
Pressing Submit without filling any field displays the validation error of the first checkbox (multiple) and position the cursor in the field with error (works fine).
Selecting an option in the first checkbox and pressing submit without filling anything else, shows validation error in the second checkbox, but send or reset the form.

With the modified code in XOOPS 2.5.0 is the correct operation in both checkbox and with different browsers (IE, Firefox and Chrome).



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