I want to thank you for your help.
As for Birthday 2.6 my changes are already incorporated into my version of the module. As I rebuild my 45+ websites with Xoops 2.5.5 I am incorporating my version of Birthday 2.6 into them.
I can send you a zipped copy of my version of Birthday 2.6 for any one who would like to use it. my email is ; pmarket755 [at] att.net
FYI: I also tweaked Profile 1.63 which has a second step for local small business members; Fields: Business Name, Address, City, Zip Code, Phone #, License #, Certifications, About, Business URL.
By the my first step Fields; First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name, Interest, Occupation, Family Size, Zip Code, Web Page, About Family.
http://toledoparents.com/modules/profile/userinfo.php?uid=1If your interested, I have tweaked all 22 modules I use for look and feel, I have no problem sharing my graphic design changes.. If you look at the various module you'll see the changes I have Incorporated into all the modules like catads 1.52
http://toledoparents.com/modules/catads/I am building 150 Parents Social Networks / Community Resources across the USA like Toledo Parents .Com I even modified the theme I use with a variable left column width 160 - 300 pixels designed for tablet and smart phone access / use. I build local use web sites as opposed to Global use web sites.