Maybe they should change something in their banner?
Warning: Failed opening '/mnt/drugi/serwisy/wlan/htdocs/class/errorhandler.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/php/includes:/usr/share/php') in /mnt/drugi/serwisy/wlan/htdocs/include/common.php on line 32
Fatal error: Undefined class name 'xoopserrorhandler' in /mnt/drugi/serwisy/wlan/htdocs/include/common.php on line 33
failed open file
regen_r8 wrote:
Actually, it is just extra sessions in the database that stick around, and how long before the session cookie on your client expires. Only dangerousif you have hundreds of users, but much less annoying than having my session time out because I got a phone call interrupting a post.
RedEye wrote:
but we need to remember there are some servers and countries where the use of cookies isn't welcome...