Re: Confirmation email has &nsps characters all through it
  • 2009/9/29 16:08

  • jtapp

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Re: Confirmation email has &nsps characters all through it
  • 2009/9/24 15:44

  • jtapp

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  • Posts: 40

  • Since: 2008/4/4 3

Hi, thank you so much for your time.
I have taken a snapshot of the confirmation email I am referring to.
This is what the user receives after they complete the online form.
See how the title of the field and the user's answers have the &nsps at the beginning of each?

Hope this helps...

Re: Confirmation email has &nsps characters all through it
  • 2009/9/23 2:01

  • jtapp

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  • Posts: 40

  • Since: 2008/4/4 3

Hi, thanks.
Formulaire version 3.23
I've been playing around with the setting "Text encoding for sending emails" - it was set to ISO-8859-15. Now my confirmation emails are error messages - but the form that is submitted to the designated recipient is just fine and all clear. It's this confirmation email thing I'm struggling with..

Confirmation email has &nsps characters all through it
  • 2009/9/22 17:09

  • jtapp

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  • Posts: 40

  • Since: 2008/4/4 3

I inherited XOOPS when I took on a new customer who already had it in place.
Recently the server was moved to a new host provider.
All seems well, except when a user completes one of our secured forms, they are getting a confirmation email indicating everything they had typed. This was the case before the server transition, but now -    is inserting itself in the conformation email's field name and the user's entry responses. I can't figure out how to find the code for this confirmation email so I can see if I can fix the problem.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Removing "Lost Your Password" Option
  • 2008/5/20 23:56

  • jtapp

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Thanks so much, John.

Re: Removing "Lost Your Password" Option
  • 2008/5/20 19:31

  • jtapp

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so far so good.
I just don't know about #6 - where is register.php located?
Although, it seems to be working just fine w/o #6...

Re: Removing "Lost Your Password" Option
  • 2008/5/20 18:32

  • jtapp

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Ok - Part of my problem was I edited the file called system_block_login.html in the xoops/modules/system/templates/blocks/ section AND I edited the same file in the /xoops/themes/phpkaox/modules/system/ section. I still can't figure out which one actually impacted me, but - I'm back in business.

I currently have check for changes to templates turned off and I have the allow new registration turned off. My version number is XOOPS 2.0.15.

Unless I hear otherwise, I'm now thinking the easiest way would be just to edit the message that says "Sorry, we are currently closed for new user registration" - my message would be something like Registration to this portal is reserved for blah, blah blah.. please click here to request a username and password (an email link) if you fit this criteria.

What are your thoughts?

Re: I want to remove the option for people to register themselves
  • 2008/5/20 17:19

  • jtapp

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If you have the time, please check out my message from another post - I'm all messed up at this point: https://xoops.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=60057&post_id=289407#forumpost289407

Re: Removing "Lost Your Password" Option
  • 2008/5/20 17:18

  • jtapp

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HELP! This old post really screwed up my settings.
Can somebody help?

I was trying to remove the "Register" button from my Login menu.
Applying the recommendations from this post made the button a dead link, but I can't get rid of the "Register!" word.

So then I tried to put it back to the way it was and I can't seem to apply the changes.
I'm now thinking I would like to put it back the way it was and then change message on the page that says "registration is currently inactive" - I want to be in control of the registration of the portal so people have to email me...

Re: I want to remove the option for people to register themselves
  • 2008/5/20 12:27

  • jtapp

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  • Posts: 40

  • Since: 2008/4/4 3

I don't want to disable login - I want to disable registration.. and do it manually...

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