Re: countdown module for XOOPS 2.5.9 ?
  • 2018/1/8 15:14

  • blackrx

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 227

  • Since: 2008/2/5 1

Thank you very much Mamba I'll try to modify it from here

out of curiosity how do you generate the 2nd module?..is it using tdmcreate?

countdown module for XOOPS 2.5.9 ?
  • 2018/1/5 11:36

  • blackrx

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 227

  • Since: 2008/2/5 1


I'm Looking for a simple countdown module for XOOPS

I would like to have this feature

- create countdown
- show list of countdown
- select countdown to show in block
- Show countdown in Years Week Days Minutes Second
- In block option option to disable or enable display of Years Week Days Minutes Second

i know there is many countdown script out there and can be paste in blocks..i'm currently using one but it would be nice to have a record of previous countdown detail in module

i found an old module in the repository called countdown it have some of the features that i would have in the module

Resized Image

it can be installed but there is problem submitting new countdown

anyone can help me to convert this module to latest XOOPS Standard or is there any other countdown module ?

total number of search result in search php
  • 2017/12/24 8:08

  • blackrx

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 227

  • Since: 2008/2/5 1

hi how do i display the number f search for each module in search.php

Resized Image

Re: White Screen when accessing modules as admin
  • 2017/12/15 14:46

  • blackrx

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 227

  • Since: 2008/2/5 1


zyspec wrote:
Are you still getting the same error in themes/xbootstrap/xoscripts/breadcrumb.php?

Yes i still getting same error.. i decided to remove the breadcrumb script for the moment

Re: White Screen when accessing modules as admin
  • 2017/12/5 0:11

  • blackrx

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 227

  • Since: 2008/2/5 1

thank you zyspec i still received the white page as admin

Re: White Screen when accessing modules as admin
  • 2017/12/4 1:37

  • blackrx

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 227

  • Since: 2008/2/5 1

im using a custom xbootstrap theme

i finally figure out this problem it was the breadcrumb im using in my theme. i check the files inside the problem module and there is error log file..when i opened it i have this error

PHP Fatal error:  Call to a member function getVar() on boolean in /home/xxxxx/public_html/themes/xbootstrap/xoscripts/breadcrumb.php on line 79

line 79
foreach( $groups as $group ) {
$groups4assign[] = array( 'id' => $group->getVar('groupid') , 'name' => $group->getVar('name') ) ;

.all this while it working fine..any quick fix ?

breadcrumb.php from https://xoops.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=71516

if( ! defined'XOOPS_ROOT_PATH' ) ) exit ;

// definitions

$theme_name basenamedirname(__FILE__) ) ;
$site_salt substrmd5XOOPS_URL ) , -) ;
$menu_cache_file XOOPS_TRUST_PATH.'/cache/theme_'.$theme_name.'_menus_'.$site_salt.'.php' ;

// root controllers
@include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/language/'.$GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['language'].'/user.php' ;
$root_controllers = array(
'/register.php' => array( 'name' => @_US_USERREG ) ,
'/userinfo.php' => array( 'name' => @_US_PROFILE ) ,
'/edituser.php' => array( 'name' => @_US_EDITPROFILE ) ,
'/viewpmsg.php' => array( 'name' => @_US_INBOX ) ,
'/readpmsg.php' => array( 'name' => @_US_INBOX 'url' => XOOPS_URL.'/viewpmsg.php' ) ,
'/notifications.php' => array( 'name' => @_NOT_NOTIFICATION ) ,
'/search.php' => array( 'name' => @_SR_SEARCH ) ,
) ;

// the best method is to be assigned by module self.  especially D3 modules have to assign this :-)

// the second best method to get breadcrumbs (rebuilding from an assigned var) NOT IMPLEMENTED
$modcat_assigns = array(
// 0=>var_name, 1=>separator
'mydownloads' => array( 'category_path' ' : ' ) ,
'mylinks' => array( 'category_path' ' : ' ) ,
) ;

// the last(worst) method to get breadcrumbs (querying parents recursively)
$modcat_trees = array(
// 0=>table, 1=>col4id, 2=>col4pid, 3=>col4name, 4=>GET index, 5=>_tpl_vars, 6=>url_fmt
) ;


$dirname is_object( @$xoopsModule ) ? $xoopsModule->getVar('dirname') : '' ;
$modname is_object( @$xoopsModule ) ? $xoopsModule->getVar('name') : '' ;

// for compatibility of 2.0.x from xoops.org
$this->assign( array(
'xoops_modulename' => $modname ,
'xoops_dirname' => $dirname ,
) ) ;

// groups
if( is_object( @$xoopsUser ) ) {
$member_handler =xoops_gethandler'member' ) ;
$groups $member_handler->getGroupsByUser$xoopsUser->getVar('uid') , true ) ;
$groups as $group ) {
$groups4assign[] = array( 'id' => $group->getVar('groupid') , 'name' => $group->getVar('name') ) ;
} else {
$groups4assign[] = array( 'id' => XOOPS_GROUP_ANONYMOUS 'name' => _GUESTS ) ;
$this->assign"xugj_groups" $groups4assign ) ;

// for speed up hack :-)
if( ! empty( $_SESSION['redirect_message'] ) ) {
    if( empty( 
$this->_tpl_vars['xoops_lblocks'] ) ) $this->_tpl_vars['xoops_lblocks'] = array() ;
array_unshift$this->_tpl_vars['xoops_lblocks'] , array( 'title' => 'Message' 'content' => $_SESSION['redirect_message'] , 'weight' => ) ) ;
$this->_tpl_vars['xoops_showlblock'] = ;
$is_redirected true ;
$_SESSION['redirect_message'] ) ;

// xoops_breadcrumbs
if( ! is_array( @$this->_tpl_vars['xoops_breadcrumbs'] ) ) {
$breadcrumbs = array() ;
// root controllers
if( ! is_object( @$xoopsModule ) ) {
$page strrchr$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] , '/' ) ;
        if( isset( 
$root_controllers$page ] ) ) {
$breadcrumbs[] = $root_controllers$page ] ;
    } else {
// default
$breadcrumbs[] = array( 'url' => XOOPS_URL."/modules/$dirname/" 'name' => $modname ) ;
        if( isset( 
$modcat_assigns$dirname ] ) && strlen$tplvar xugj_assign_get_tpl_vars$this $modcat_assigns$dirname ][0] ) ) ) {
// get from breadcrumbs for each modules (the second best)
$tplvars_info $modcat_assigns$dirname ] ;
$bc_tmps explode$tplvars_info[1] , $tplvar ) ;
array_shift$bc_tmps ) ;
$bc_tmps as $bc_tmp ) {
preg_match'#href=(["']?)(.*)\1>(.*)a>#' , $bc_tmp , $regs ) ) {
$breadcrumbs[] = array(
'name' => $regs[3] ,
'url' => $regs[2] ,
                    ) ;
$tplvars_info[2] ) xugj_assign_clear_tpl_vars$this $tplvars_info[0] ) ;
        } else if( isset( 
$modcat_trees$dirname ] ) ) {
// category tree (the last method)
$tree_info $modcat_trees$dirname ] ;
            if( @
$_GET$tree_info[4] ] > $id_val intval$_GET$tree_info[4] ] ) ;
            else if( ! empty( 
$tree_info[5] ) ) $id_val xugj_assign_get_tpl_vars$this $tree_info[5] ) ;
            if( ! empty( 
$id_val ) ) $breadcrumbs array_merge$breadcrumbs xugj_assign_get_breadcrumbs_by_tree$tree_info[0] , $tree_info[1] , $tree_info[2] , $tree_info[3] , $id_val XOOPS_URL.'/modules/'.$dirname.'/'.$tree_info[6] ) ) ;
        if( ! 
in_array( @$this->_tpl_vars['xoops_pagetitle'] , array( $modname $breadcrumbs[sizeof($breadcrumbs)-1]['name'] ) ) ) {
$breadcrumbs[] = array( 'name' => $this->_tpl_vars['xoops_pagetitle'] ) ;
$this->assign"xoops_breadcrumbs" $breadcrumbs ) ;

xugj_assign_get_breadcrumbs_by_tree$table $id_col $pid_col $name_col $id_val $url_fmt $paths = array() )
$db =& Database::getInstance() ;

$sql "SELECT `$pid_col`,`$name_col` FROM ".$db->prefix($table)." WHERE `$id_col`=".intval($id_val) ;
$result $db->query$sql ) ;
$db->getRowsNum$result ) == ) return $paths ;
$pid $name ) = $db->fetchRow$result ) ;
$paths array_merge( array( array(
'name' => htmlspecialchars$name ENT_QUOTES ) ,
'url' => sprintf$url_fmt $id_val ) ,
    ) ) , 
$paths ) ;

xugj_assign_get_breadcrumbs_by_tree$table $id_col $pid_col $name_col $pid $url_fmt $paths ) ;

xugj_assign_get_tpl_vars( &$smarty $dot_expression )
$indexes explode'.' $dot_expression ) ;
$current_array $smarty->_tpl_vars ;
$indexes as $index ) {
$current_array = @$current_array$index ] ;

$current_array ;

$menus = array() ;
$menu_cache_file ;
if( empty( 
$menus ) ) {
// cache menus
$module_handler =& xoops_gethandler'module' ) ;
$criteria = new CriteriaCompo( new Criteria'hasmain' ) ) ;
$criteria->add( new Criteria'isactive' ) ) ;
$criteria->add( new Criteria'weight' '>' ) ) ;
$modules =& $module_handler->getObjects$criteria true ) ;
$moduleperm_handler =& xoops_gethandler'groupperm' ) ;
$group_handler =& xoops_gethandler'group' ) ;
$groups =& $group_handler->getObjects() ;
$config_handler =& xoops_gethandler'config' ) ;

// backup
if( is_object( @$GLOBALS['xoopsModule'] ) ) {
$xoopsModuleBackup =& $GLOBALS['xoopsModule'] ;
$xoopsModuleConfigBackup =& $GLOBALS['xoopsModuleConfig'] ;

$groups as $group ) {
$groupid $group->getVar('groupid') ;
$read_allowed $moduleperm_handler->getItemIds'module_read' $groupid ) ;
$modules as $module ) {
in_array$module->getVar('mid') , $read_allowed ) ) {
$GLOBALS['xoopsModule'] =& $module ;
$module->loadInfo$module->getVar('dirname') ) ;
                if( ! 
$module->getInfo('sub') ) continue ; // テスト用テンポラリ(最後は消すこと)
$menus[$groupid][ $module->getVar('dirname') ] = array(
'name' => $module->getVar('name') ,
'dirname' => $module->getVar('dirname') ,
'url' => '' ,
'sub' => $module->getInfo('sub') ,
                ) ;

// restore
if( is_object( @$xoopsModuleBackup ) ) {
$GLOBALS['xoopsModule'] =& $xoopsModuleBackup ;
$GLOBALS['xoopsModuleConfig'] =& $xoopsModuleBackup ;

ob_start() ;
var_export$menus ) ;
$menus4cache ob_get_contents() ;
ob_end_clean() ;

$fp fopen$menu_cache_file 'wb' ) ;
    if( empty( 
$fp ) ) return ;
fwrite$fp "$menus = ".$menus4cache.";n?>" ) ;
fclose$fp ) ;

$united_menus = array() ;
$groups4assign as $group_tmp ) {
is_array( @$menus$group_tmp['id'] ] ) ) $united_menus += $menus$group_tmp['id'] ] ;

$this->assign'xugj_menu_uls' xugj_assign_display_menu_ul_recursively$united_menus ) ) ;

xugj_assign_display_menu_ul_recursively$level_menus $dirname '' ) {

$ret "
    n" ;
    $level_menus as $menu ) {
            if( ! empty( 
    $menu['dirname'] ) ) $dirname $menu['dirname'] ;
    $ret .= "
  • n$dirname.'/'.$menu['url']."">".$menu['name']."n" ;
            if( ! empty( 
    $menu['sub'] ) && is_array$menu['sub'] ) ) $ret .= xugj_assign_display_menu_ul_recursively$menu['sub'] , $dirname ) ;
    $ret .= "
  • n" 
    $ret "


White Screen when accessing modules as admin
  • 2017/11/17 10:21

  • blackrx

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 227

  • Since: 2008/2/5 1

i've been using XOOPS 2.5.9 for few months and just this few days having this problem ..

im having white screen problem when accessing few modules when im logged in
extcal, extgallery,tdmdownload, xoopspoll etc all are latest modules from github

publisher and all my clone publisher are working fine

the blocks of the modules are displaying, i can access the module admin and keyin data but i just can't access the module index page or sub pages when i'm logged in

but when i logged out, i can access the modules pages without problem
there are only 4 user in the site all admin..all having the same problem

What i did so far to try debug the problem

a. turn on debug..no error
b. i asked my host..no server changes
c. i tried deactive all modules except the affected modules
d. empty session table
e. clear cache
f. no server error log
f. update all the modules in admin
g. check group permission - i can update all the modules key in new data

but still im having white screen when im logged in

XOOPS Version XOOPS 2.5.9
PHP Version 5.6.32
mySQL Version 5.6.38

any other else suggestion what to check ?

Help with extcal today's event and upcoming event block
  • 2017/8/2 5:42

  • blackrx

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 227

  • Since: 2008/2/5 1

XOOPS extCal 2.39 RC-1
XOOPS Version XOOPS 2.5.9
PHP Version 5.6.31
mySQL Version 5.6.35

Is it possible to show something like

No Today's event or No Upcoming event if theres no event for today or upcoming event

right now if theres no event ..both block will not appear

Re: many links are simply broken on xoops.org
  • 2017/7/27 16:45

  • blackrx

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 227

  • Since: 2008/2/5 1

Since the modules/repository/ is not currently maintained it should be close temporary

and change top XOOPS.org Download link toto Github for temporary...


i never get xoops modules or xoops themes from modules/repository/

all are from github..

Thank you


Re: ShoutBox not working for custom group
  • 2017/7/14 9:22

  • blackrx

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 227

  • Since: 2008/2/5 1

Thank you with new installation its working..

may i know what cause the problem ?

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