Re: iStats without Javascript?
  • 2005/3/11 20:50

  • sylvainb

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 168

  • Since: 2003/2/11

You're right, they are not counted.

Re: istats problem
  • 2005/3/11 20:44

  • sylvainb

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 168

  • Since: 2003/2/11

Again, going to visit your site (http://mitjab.info/xoops- I can't see the javascript into the website source.

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Re: istats problem
  • 2005/3/11 19:19

  • sylvainb

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 168

  • Since: 2003/2/11

Hello senzaciona,

I can't see the javascript code which must be included into your theme.html file (when I edited your website source).
If this javascript isn't present, the module cannot function.

If you're certain that you've added it into your theme.html file, try to erase all files (or at least your *theme.html file) into the templates_c folder of your XOOPS website.

Now, for those which for some time have problems with this module whereas it functioned correctly until now, could you try to see if your webhoster has implemented the mod_security into the apache configuration?
If it is the case, this mod is breaking the module (the url calling by the javascript code is considered as an xss request). I'm actually working on this problem!

Re: I-Stats not counting issue
  • 2004/12/8 6:23

  • sylvainb

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 168

  • Since: 2003/2/11

Hello Rhomal

I don't have enough time to resume all I said to Jensclas in the other THREAD...sorry. (I can't edit my previous post to correct the link!!??)

I see that you have put the portion of code but I introduced an error and it shhould be:
a href="http://www.4thefort.com">Anothera> <a href="https://xoops.org">Xoopsa> <a href="http://www.4thefort.com">Theme from 4thefort FortChaosa>small>strong>center>
script type="text/Javascript">


Instead of what the xoops2_install.txt said. (Did you noticed the difference -> istat.src = "<{$xoops_url}>/modules/istats/include/counter.php?.... instead of -> istat.src = "http://<{$xoops_url}>/modules/istats/include/counter.php?....)

Again, sorry for the inconvenience.

Kind Regards

I have just seen that you have already corrected my mistake and that istats is now functional onto your website.

Re: I-Stats not counting issue
  • 2004/12/7 20:46

  • sylvainb

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 168

  • Since: 2003/2/11

Hello Rhomal

You emailed me the same question like the one in your first post and answered you by giving a link to another post on xoops.org...this post.

Did you received it?
Is there something you don't understand?
I'm not joking about you or any others but, since Jensclas's posts, I realize that the xoops2_install.txt seems to not be as clear as I thought.

So if you need more explainations, I'll be yours.

P.S: As soon as I will have enough time, I will add a FAQ section onto my website about "all" the modules that I adapted.

Kind Regards

Re: Two problems with eCal
  • 2004/12/6 21:19

  • sylvainb

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 168

  • Since: 2003/2/11


hawkeyegop wrote:

That would be awesome, I would appreciate that. My email address is in my profile. Also, if you had any additional documentation I'd appreciate that as well!

I can't see your email address in your profile.
Maybe you could PM it to me.

Also I can tell you it is not a diretory permission problem but an echo with $variable['index'] that should look echo"...{$variable['index']}... (or something like this if I remember it well).

There are also some variables that are not Register_globals=Off compliant, the reason why some actions are not authorized... etc..

I don't understand how this module could be put on line in this state (I was not to be awaked)

Re: Two problems with eCal
  • 2004/12/6 19:43

  • sylvainb

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 168

  • Since: 2003/2/11

Hello Hawkeyegop

I remember to have debuging it for the same problems onto XOOPS FR.
Unfortunately the links where all are the posts seems to be broken.

If you want I could send it to you by email.

Re: I-Stats not counting
  • 2004/12/2 22:50

  • sylvainb

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 168

  • Since: 2003/2/11

Hello Jenny

I'm really confused because I introduced an error into the javascript code you have to add into your theme.html file.

If you use the first option and so decide to add the code into the theme.html, you have to add this before the closing tag :
<script type="text/Javascript">

Did you see the difference? There isn't the 'http://' before the smarty variable (istat.src = "<{$xoops_url}>....) because it already has it!

Now my second error is with the option two.
I haven't tested before the possibilty of adding the same javascript code into the meta/footer section of xoops!
So I just realize that <{$xoops_url}> is not interpreted.
The code you have to add with the option two is:
<script type="text/Javascript">

I don't know what to say more...maybe nothing and rather than saying other silly things, it would be better for everybody that I go to sleep.

Now to answer to your several questions:

1 - Because rather than using files into the templates_c folder (a cache) XOOPS will always going to read your theme files into your theme folder and each files will need to be parsed by smarty (more time consuming). (Others can tell me if I'm wrong, I will take no offences. )

2 - You can do such things with your site opened.

3 - You can do this without risks, each file will be rebuilt at the time of its next call.
But if you are really afraid, you can seek only the file(s) *theme.html and erase them/it.
Please note that you don't need to do this if you turn to Yes the option 'Update module template...'.

I hope that this time will be the maid for you and istats and that you will see finally this module functioning.

Sylvain (too tired )

Re: help with php config between MDK10 and FC3
  • 2004/12/2 21:48

  • sylvainb

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 168

  • Since: 2003/2/11

Hello Nuker

Maybe I'm totally wrong but I had some similar problems with my apache server and fedora core 3 and not with mandrake.

The thing was that apache was unabled to write or to read some files even if the good permissions were there.

While making research, I was directed towards protection via SELinux included in fedora.
So I had disabled it for the httpd process and now all is fine.

Re: I-Stats not counting
  • 2004/12/1 21:49

  • sylvainb

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 168

  • Since: 2003/2/11

Hello Jensclas

You've given me a simple but efficient lesson on how to make a good support.

I'm sorry not to have written that but rather to realize that the xoops2_install.txt is not clear enough for newbies.

I want to also add that if you had mentioned that research that you had made had not been effective to answer your questions, I would probably not have begun my response in this way.

But what is fact is made then pass to your problem.

First option

You were right when you had put the javascript code like this:
div id="footer"><{$xoops_footer}>div>
script type="text/Javascript">



Now I can see that you have the same code between the and tags:

script type="text/Javascript">

table cellspacing="0" id="top">

Don't forget that all changes into your theme.html file will not take effect until you have done the last point I mentioned:

- Now you have two choices, you can delete all files into your templates_c folder or you can go into the admin section of XOOPS --> system admin -> Preferences -> General settings -> then set Update module template .html files from themes/your theme/templates directory? to yes.

Go to your Home page and if you edit your website source you should be able to view the code.
Don't forget to set the above option back to no after you are sure that your templates are updated.

Second option

By the way, I realize that your theme is using a usefull smarty variable ->> <{$xoops_footer}>.

So you can try another thing:
Go to System Admin -> Preferences -> Meta Tags and Footer and click [Edit].
There, copy the javascript code:
<script type="text/Javascript">


and paste it into the Footer section below what already exist so you should have this:
Powered by XOOPS 2.0 © 2001-2003 <a href="https://xoops.org/" target="_blank">The XOOPS Projecta>
script type="text/Javascript">


It'll be simpler but if you change your theme and if it doesn't have the smarty variable <{xoops_footer}> you will have to do the first option.

I hope it is clear enough...at least not to confusing!

Still sorry if I wounded you, it was not my intention.
My English is rather old, I learned it 17 years ago, and I rely sometimes on Google which is not always effective.


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