Re: Automotive/Car/Racing Theme?
  • 2004/6/19 16:19

  • FastEddie

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I was looking for 2 column (menu on the left). I like 3 column, but don't like it on the forum pages, because the forums are too squished :)

Thanks in advance,

Re: Automotive/Car/Racing Theme?
  • 2004/6/18 1:47

  • FastEddie

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  • Since: 2002/2/6 2

Actually it's for Chevrolet Monte Carlos.. and then another site for G-Bodies..1980's Chevrolet Monte Carlo, Pontiac Grand Prix, Buick Regal/Grand National, Olds Cutlass/Hurst Olds, etc.

Thanks for the replies :)

Automotive/Car/Racing Theme?
  • 2004/6/17 2:56

  • FastEddie

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  • Since: 2002/2/6 2

I've searched and searched and searched and haven't found any XOOPS themes that would fit on a car related site.

I will start searching for phpnuke themes and if I come up empty handed again, I will have to try to make my own, even though I don't have much creativity :)

Have any of you seen a theme that would fit on a car related site?

Thanks in advance,

Re: PostgreSQL support? Why not ADODB?
  • 2004/2/3 18:25

  • FastEddie

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Any status on PostgreSQL support?


Re: Postgress or SAP-DB???
  • 2004/2/3 18:24

  • FastEddie

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What's the status of the PostgreSQL support?


Re: XOOPS 2.1 Core development Roadmap
  • 2003/11/6 4:19

  • FastEddie

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I'd like to chime in. A LARGE majority of the CMS' out there fully support MySQL but not any other databases. If XOOPS would incorporate einsturz's work, XOOPS would take a HUGE leap forward and be the ONLY CMS (that I know of and I've been searching for over a year) to fully support MySQL and PostreSQL.

Refer to this thread for more info.

Please please please look over his work and incorporate it in the main source tree. I, as well as many others have been hesitant to go with any single CMS because of the lack of support for PGSQL. With XOOPS being MUCH more efficient and clean codewise over PHPNuke, this would be a huge win for Xoops.


Re: PostgreSQL support? Why not ADODB?
  • 2003/10/30 23:14

  • FastEddie

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einsturz, that is amazing! Nice work! Hopefully your hard work will be incorporated into the XOOPS development source tree and they can move forward. This is definitely a huge step ahead for Xoops, and if they can fully incorporate your work, XOOPS would be the first CMS to fully support PGSQL. Do any fully support anything other than MySQL? :)


Re: PostgreSQL support? Why not ADODB?
  • 2003/10/29 0:17

  • FastEddie

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It sounds like a few are interested in moving this forward. The complaint I've heard with PHPNuke is the codebase is so sloppy and insecure. The plus I've heard about XOOPS is that its codebase is very clean and efficient.

There are *NO* CMS' that I have found in my 1.5+ years of searching that truly support PostgreSQL and are worthy of using. If XOOPS is the first, that would be a HUGE step forward ahead of the pack.

How can we help to get this moving forward. Is there someone or a group that we can communicate with?

Thanks :)

PostgreSQL support?
  • 2002/2/6 2:44

  • FastEddie

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  • Since: 2002/2/6 2

This looks AWESOME! I have a site and content for it all planned out, but I am trying to find the "right" CMS for it.

I know there are plans to support multiple databases, including PostgreSQL, but when is this planned?

I have been searching all over for over a year, for a CMS/Portal that supports PHP/PostgreSQL, and have come up empty. I have followed many CMS projects that "plan" on supporting pgsql, but none have yet.

I would be happy to test any betas with pgsql support. If anyone knows of any other CMS's that do support pgsql, please let me know.

Thanks in advance,



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