Re: not being able to install xoops on XP

I still didn't get it to work. I sent you a pm btw containing information I would rather not post that can be viewed by anyone. and I tried working with linux once, but I don't get along with linux well enough. problems with getting drivers installed and not knowing how to install programs with source code. I tried installing Suse Linux 10.

Re: not being able to install xoops on XP

and then placing the XOOPS files into the htdocs file like you normally would?

not being able to install xoops on XP

I was working with XOOPS a while ago when I was using Windows 2003 Server when I was working for a company for school. I decided to try to get XOOPS installed at home now, but I can't get XOOPS installed on windows xp. Getting Apache,php, en MySQL installed is not a problem, but when I ask for the apache information page using my ip adress I get an error saying that the page doesn't exist. I'm gonna try if I can figure out the problem.

And does anyone know if in the XOOPS book there is more information about the programs needed to run XOOPS with, cuz I just ordered it thinking it would come of hand.

thanks in advance

Re: changing my username


changing my username

Hey everyone,
I'm not new to xoops, but decided I wanted to make a new account(my previous account was "cyberspace") cuz I'm using a different email adress now. While creating this account I forgot that usernames have a limited amount of characters and my name turned out to be spacing-dope, however I would like it to be spacing-dopey, this not being possible. I was wondering if my username could be changed from "spacing-dope" to "spacingdopey" by a moderator or by someone having the right privileges for it. Thanks in advance



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