Re: Help, Login recognizes you, but doesn't give permissions
  • 2007/11/5 0:53

  • MinnesotaW

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  • Posts: 38

  • Since: 2007/1/22


skenow wrote:
IPower, huh? Me too - there have been some bumps along the road for me, but overall, a pretty good experience (when things are running properly).

Have they migrated you, yet?

Nope not yet...still on the "transition" page.

What my experience has been...we signed up and originally had a PHPNuke site going. At first it was excellent and our site was very fast...then as time went along there were various issues that would pop up and they'd generally solve them in 24 hrs.

Then we migrated to XOOPS and after about a month, the site would lose it's database every couple of weeks. It would come back and be blazing fast for a couple of days then slow to a crawl and then crash. Submitting a ticket they claimed the server never crashed and there were no problems, it must have been us.

After some error log tracking for them, they admitted they had a problem and claimed to have fixed it. A month later we were submitting a ticket to move servers.

The put us on a new one and it again was blazing fast...but in the last 2 months it crawls for 10 to 30 minute periods and then goes back to satisfactory.

NOW if you submit a ticket with them, you are lucky if you get a response within 2 weeks!! One of our reports stopped working and I submitted a ticket...2 weeks later they responded that there was nothing wrong with it...so I did screen shots and sent back that they weren't working...2 weeks after that they finally fixed it.

There were plenty of other episodes with them that will not make us renew and we've been shopping for a reasonable provider because we know our storage and mb/month requirements quite solid.

Hey I finally realized you are a local! I'm in Plymouth!

Re: Help, Login recognizes you, but doesn't give permissions
  • 2007/11/4 19:42

  • MinnesotaW

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  • Posts: 38

  • Since: 2007/1/22


tcnet wrote:
This started happening on my site after I upgrade to 2.17.1. Only occurs when using IE7. Firefox works fine.

Contrary to upgrade instructions, I turned sessions off and all is well now.

Have you viewed with Firefox? Tried turning off sessions?

I'm good now.

I pulled a backup of my site and yanked out the mainfiles and replaced them in the root directory and magically...the site started to function again.

Is it really fixed?? I have no idea because nobody has touched those files in months...perhaps a little corruption in mainfile or something like that.

Re: Help, Login recognizes you, but doesn't give permissions
  • 2007/11/4 16:59

  • MinnesotaW

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skenow wrote:
It's starting to sound more like a server configuration that your host may have changed.

Start with the usual - check permissions on cache and templates_c

Do you have a file backup, too?

Yeah...I'm leaning that way too. Sadly I'm with Ipower which is a huge mistake for anyone out there thinking of looking for a new host provider.

I do have a file backup but at this point I doubt a site restore will do me any good...hate to go that drastic at this point

Re: Help, Login recognizes you, but doesn't give permissions
  • 2007/11/4 15:27

  • MinnesotaW

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Additional info...

I happened to have 2 backups of the database, one from yesterday and one from an week earlier.

I created 2 new databases and restored each backup to each new database and then repointed to each one to test...same darn result for both!

The backups were taken when the site was healthy and working.

Very confused at this point.

Re: Help, Login recognizes you, but doesn't give permissions
  • 2007/11/4 15:17

  • MinnesotaW

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Uh...check that..a couple of clicks later and the table showed up...is the database server having a bad Sunday?

Re: Help, Login recognizes you, but doesn't give permissions
  • 2007/11/4 15:16

  • MinnesotaW

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  • Since: 2007/1/22

More info...

The DB checks out okay, but clicking on Xoops_modules I get the following in MYSQL:

Warning: Unknown: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/usr/local/apache/htdocs/phpMyAdmin-2.6.3/sql.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/jproscen/:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp:/var/tmp:/home/vdeck/tmp/:/usr/local/bin/mogrify:/usr/local/bin/convert:/usr/sbin/sendmail) in Unknown on line 0

Warning: Unknown: failed to open stream: Operation not permitted in Unknown on line 0

Warning: Unknown: Failed opening '/usr/local/apache/htdocs/phpMyAdmin-2.6.3/sql.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in Unknown on line 0

Re: Help, Login recognizes you, but doesn't give permissions
  • 2007/11/4 14:20

  • MinnesotaW

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  • Posts: 38

  • Since: 2007/1/22


skenow wrote:
First question: When did you upgrade to and has this been happening since then?

Second question: Are you using custom sessions (set in General Preferences)?

The upgrade was about a month or so ago and it worked just fine after the upgrade.

I do use a custom session and basically use a custom timeout so people don't have to log in every hour...I think I have it set to a 12 hour session....but it's been like that since I brought the site up.

Re: Help, Login recognizes you, but doesn't give permissions
  • 2007/11/4 14:10

  • MinnesotaW

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  • Posts: 38

  • Since: 2007/1/22

More info...

It appears when I log in a session is created for me in the session table.

Also even through the links aren't there, I attempted to edit my profile by manually putting the URL in (I know my UID) and it told me I didn't have permission even though I'm logged in as me!

Help, Login recognizes you, but doesn't give permissions - solved
  • 2007/11/4 13:54

  • MinnesotaW

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  • Posts: 38

  • Since: 2007/1/22

No idea what's up...

Site has been fine for a long time. I regularly perform database maintenance, clear out template_c/cache, and the site works fine.

Now if you log in, the "thank you for logging in xxx" appears but you only get the permissions of a non-registered user. The big thing all the folks go to the site for is the forum (cbb 3.08) and it doesn't appear in the main menu at all!

I've run a check on the database, all is okay no corrupted tables or anything nasty, emptied sessions, template_c, cache, registered a test ID and it registered properly, but using it to log in and the forum still is gone.

It all appears to work except it seems extCal doesn't recognize you are logged in, and the forum is simply not on the menus anymore (oh and even though you just logged in the login block still appears in it's spot and the user menu doesn't appear).

I can't get to the admin pages anymore either.

It's almost like the permissions table was completely whacked somehow and webmasters taken off admin access, all registered users taken off the forum, calendar, etc...

Xooops and I've not changed a module for probably 8 months.

Any ideas?


Any help would be appreciated.

extCal event end time saves start time
  • 2007/10/6 0:05

  • MinnesotaW

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  • Since: 2007/1/22

Hi all,

Left a question on the developers site but it doesn't look like he gets back to anyone so I thought I'd look here.

Love the look and functionality of extCal but no matter what you do it saves the start time as the end time for the event you post.

Also if you download the latest version of extCal the submit link in the minical block is pointed to the wrong file to submit a new event (quick fix).

Anyone help with the end time problem? It's the last little bug I'd love to work out of this module.

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