Re: User Info is Blank
  • 2007/5/18 16:54

  • sinablack

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  • Posts: 41

  • Since: 2007/1/12


anhDP wrote:
Hi All,
I am not sure when this started to occur but I can no longer view my own account. I can view everyone elses when I change the uid to a different value but when I set it to 1, it just give me a blank page. I can Edit the account and etc. but cannot view it. Has anyone encountered this problem and have a fixed or know what could have caused it? I am currently have newbb, piCal, content & wordpress modules installed. I am using the latest stable 2.0.16.

I tried the smartprofile module and that have blanks for all uid.


Well i`ve the same problem on a website which is for a good friend of mine, the current uid (you account i mean) can not be displayed in your own account when you`re logged in and the X_version is 2.0.16 and also there is another problem, when he links the first page by the configurations on the news or any other module, the first page is unavailable, by now we have solved the first page problem with a redirection by the host but still have the problem of user info and want completely fix the index.php problem
thx for helps
PS: server configs are here bellow:
Apache version       1.3.37 (Unix)
MySQL version     4.1.21-standard
PostgreSQL version     7.4.16
PHP version     5.2.1
PERL version     5.8.7
Operating system     Linux
Kernel version     2.6.9
cPanel version     10.9.0
Soon we must all face the choose between what is good to US and what is the truth!!!
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Re: The first step to make a module for xoops
  • 2007/3/10 15:29

  • sinablack

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  • Posts: 41

  • Since: 2007/1/12


Peekay wrote:
This is a good beginner's tutorial


thx a lot it was really useful i enjoyed it
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The first step to make a module for xoops
  • 2007/3/10 13:22

  • sinablack

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  • Posts: 41

  • Since: 2007/1/12

Well i wanted ask from module makers to write here some notes about their experience to make modules and the first step they took to make a module like article by phppp!!!
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Re: an ajax aproach in theme
  • 2007/3/3 20:56

  • sinablack

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farshid wrote:
I have made some changes to some files, now we can submit most forms Ajaxy! both post and get methods are working, there is some bugs with input file type in a form.

I have made a small test site here: http://www.fanafzar.com/xoops/ to show you the functionality of this kind of themes. I will put the files for all to download and test on other themes as soon as possible.

and don't forget only fire fox is working now!!


you know dear farshid, it was really coooooooool
i enjoyed it myself.
by the way does some body have any idea about a website witch can give us some of those ajax codes????
thank you all.
@ irmtfan:
dear irmtfan as you are supporting the XOOPS development in persian you have better to know that these changes are also useful to xoops2.0.16 and it could not just be used for XOOPS 2.3 we shall think on both side ,either now and future.
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Re: Registration Extra fields?
  • 2007/1/19 20:58

  • sinablack

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well these fields witch you want to change their place have a default place so it means that you can`t change their place but the other fields you can change them pretty good!!!
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Re: Registration Extra fields?
  • 2007/1/19 8:51

  • sinablack

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well dear ccdoss like jilong said you have to give a weight for each field by the admins side and field managing part!!!
and about your question jilong:
i have no idea about how to show fields on user info page but i`ll have look for you and try to find an answer for it
and the other question vaughan answered it and i have the same answer but i think there will be a new release of this module cause there is a bug for this action and on that release it will be fixed!!!
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Re: Registration Extra fields?
  • 2007/1/17 18:26

  • sinablack

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well it matter`s not
you have to do this actions to see the changes
amin menu-->Preferences Main-->General Settings-->Check templates for modifications ?
and turn it on yes for a while and refreshing in your browser to see the changes on that module, and after doing all this changes and seen the changes at the end you have to put
"Check templates for modifications ?" on no.
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Re: Registration Extra fields?
  • 2007/1/17 15:36

  • sinablack

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and about your second question i think it should be like this
the default of that block:
<div style="width: 48%; float: left; padding: 0px 5px 10px 0px;<{if $catcount % 2 == 0}> clear: left;<{/if}>">
table class="outer" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1">
th colspan="2" align="center"><{$category.cat_title}>th>
item=field from=$category.fields}>
td class="head"><{$field.title}>td>
td class="even"><{$field.value}>td>

the changed:
<div style="width: 48%; float: left; padding: 0px 5px 10px 0px;<{if $catcount % 1 == 0}> clear: left;<{/if}>">
table class="outer" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1">
th colspan="2" align="center"><{$category.cat_title}>th>
item=field from=$category.fields}>
td class="head"><{$field.title}>td>
td class="even"><{$field.value}>td>
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Re: Registration Extra fields?
  • 2007/1/17 15:12

  • sinablack

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  • Posts: 41

  • Since: 2007/1/12


jilong wrote:
which files is that? the file under modules/system/templates/****.html?

sorry that i forgot to give you the path!!
on line 10 you have to change the line into:
<a href="<{$xoops_url}>/modules/smartprofile/edituser.php"><{$block.lang_editaccount}>a>

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Re: Registration Extra fields?
  • 2007/1/17 12:43

  • sinablack

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 41

  • Since: 2007/1/12

well dear jilong you have to change some lines in system template to change the edituser file paths from from {xoops_root_path} to smart profile and make smart profile the default user editor.
and to showing those fields , you have to give permissions by admin side.
Soon we must all face the choose between what is good to US and what is the truth!!!
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