Re: "Sorry, you do not have the permission to access this area...."
  • 2008/3/13 4:27

  • razenyc

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 6

  • Since: 2006/7/18

I seem to have this issue, but only with one specific module, my Document Management System. I can access the other areas of the site fine, but I get errors, even logged in as admin, saying that I do not have access. I emptied out my table, tried changing the isactive to 0 (which just deactivates the modlue, doesnt do much good)

Im at a loss for how to fix this, since the other sections work ok. All the module access permissions are checked in the admin side for the groups, and the users are added to their groups respectively. Ideas?

xoops magically broke?
  • 2007/12/20 0:42

  • razenyc

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 6

  • Since: 2006/7/18

Somehow my XOOPS went haywire. Everything had been running smooth, no changes have been made, unless someone hacked in. my New BB module for my forum isnt working right, and when I go to remove the forum module from the list, a blank screen comes up after submitting the changes.

Basically it seems like the admin tools dont want to respond right.

I was thinking that upgrading from 2.0.14 to 2.0.16 might fix things, but I forget if thats going to mess up all my other modules that currently DO work, like my Document Management System and my XOOPS PopChat.

Thoughts on fixing this situation without losing anything else? Thanks

Re: Fatal error: Call to undefined function
  • 2006/9/21 12:32

  • razenyc

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 6

  • Since: 2006/7/18

yeah, I got IPB to work fine, minus for the login. no matter what I do, it doesnt recognize who's logged in. ultimately, not a big problem though. we'll just have our members make sure to out their name in their posts. much better than having my common.php going batty again or not having my inbox function =)

Re: Fatal error: Call to undefined function
  • 2006/9/20 22:13

  • razenyc

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 6

  • Since: 2006/7/18

I found a fix, based on the fact that I use the fantastico version of xoops, I was due for an update..When I updated it, it set everything back to normal, and I just had to copy my modules out of the backup zip back into my host, all is fine now. I even got X-IPB to work without having it take over my inbox. Im 99% operational now.

all I have left to figure out is how to get IPB to recognize the login for the users on xoops. It used to work, now it doesnt recognize it. I left a few overwrites out, like common.php, as I found that to be the source of corruption...so this time around, I didnt let it overwrite the standard XOOPS version.

Fatal error: Call to undefined function
  • 2006/9/20 16:46

  • razenyc

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 6

  • Since: 2006/7/18

Im getting a lot of these errors now. I installed the X-IPB forum, which worked fine, as did all my other modules. My inbox ceased to work. This isnt the problem. I figured Id fix the problem by adding in the X-PBB1.23 to rectify the problem. Wrong. After I did that, it gave me a slew of fatal errors. Heres one:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: xoops_gethandler() in (my root directory)/include/common.php on line 105

I tried to fix several files by reuploading the ones from the x-IPB, but Id just get a continued list of other messed up files with the same error. How can I restore the system to before I used the PBB1.23..we'll deal without the inbox or figure out another way, but right now, my entire XOOPS site isnt working at all. I am trying to avoid a fresh install, as we are using DMS and have a lot of files on there and it'd suck a LOT to have to upload everything again.


Woops with Xoops
  • 2006/9/18 22:48

  • razenyc

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 6

  • Since: 2006/7/18

I had been trying some alternate forum modules in Xoops, and when i finally settled with one, I found that somehow, the default forum was corrupted. I uninstalled it and have my new forum and all my other previously installed modules working fine, but when I go to use the Inbox tool, it gives me a "page cannot be found". So somehow my viewpmsg.php got erased. How do I go about re-installing this, without having to re-install Xoops?




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