Re: Brand new site recommendations
  • 2009/10/27 16:38

  • chadm

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  • Posts: 50

  • Since: 2006/6/29

Thanks all!

For the news and smartsection modules (both of which I've thought about), the ability to show a block under a specific lab's category does not exist. Or am I missing something? My initial thought is the menu for their lab.

That's why my initial post included the ability to duplicate /clone.

Is smartsection still the way to go and essentially cloning it 100 times?

As an example of a different block that will be shown, there may be a picture of the lab members or a list of the latest publications produced by that lab. Those would be important to show on a block when that lab is being viewed. What do you suggest as the content container for those types of pages and is smartsection still the appropriate module to use?

As I understand the blocks system; they can only be shown under a certain module; not necessarily to be shown under a section within a module. right?

Thanks for the ideas!


Brand new site recommendations
  • 2009/10/26 19:18

  • chadm

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  • Posts: 50

  • Since: 2006/6/29

We'd like to start over with XOOPS and our requirements are growing by the minute. I'm posting this in this section because our version of XOOPS is really old and it will be like starting over for us.

We have a site with lots of "subsections" and our architecture looks something like this:

Main page (obviously)
General Info1
General Info2
General info 10 (yes we have 10 general info sections)

Lab 2
Lab 59 (yes we have 59 labs)

Research group 1 -20
(Yes, those are different than the labs)

Each unit has separate content and needs a separate (local) menu structure

We want the overall site to look the same (live on the same site with the same theme)

Each module (hear unit) will have it's own menu structure (specific blocks shown under the module).

I get the concept of having a separate content module for each section and assigning groups rights to that module.

So which content module can we duplicate into that many "units?" Is there a "sections" module that will give us that flexibility?

Will having an Apache rewrite rule work to display that module?
site.org/lab1 <==> site.org/modules/lab1

Please let me know if you have better recommendation on how to organize a large site into that type of structure.


Re: In the theme.html, can I know when the "Homepage" is being shown?
  • 2009/3/26 22:57

  • chadm

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  • Posts: 50

  • Since: 2006/6/29

I had to revisit this again and wanted to post an addendum to the solution. The variable $xoops_requesturi will contain either "/" or "/index.php" when you are on the "home" page of the site.

Just thought i'd share if anyone cares...

Re: In the theme.html, can I know when the "Homepage" is being shown?
  • 2009/1/28 21:31

  • chadm

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  • Since: 2006/6/29

I searched and searched for something to help. The link you provided reminded me of something I should have known! I turned on Smarty Debug and realized I could use the variable: $xoops_requesturi

For the top page that variable is "/"

Any other page inside any other module will have /modules/mymodule/index.php=id=1 or whatever!

Thanks for the link, it solved my issue; indirectly but I found a solution!


In the theme.html, can I know when the "Homepage" is being shown?
  • 2009/1/28 18:04

  • chadm

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  • Posts: 50

  • Since: 2006/6/29

We are using an older version of XOOPS The site is restricted to about 6 internal IP addresses so please don't suggest that my first step is to upgrade... :)

Inside the theme is there a parameter to check so that I know when the "Homepage" is being displayed? We want to display something special in a certain content area, but we also want all of the dynamic XOOPS blocks to show as well.

Please let me know if my question does not make sense!


Re: Xoops LDAP Authentication
  • 2008/5/12 21:16

  • chadm

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  • Since: 2006/6/29

I see the configuration options and most of them make sense. I need to determine what DC, OU, to enter etc... What if we have two or three (or more) instances of XOOPS running (one for each department)? Will they use the same groups? Can we configure the group names for different implementations of Xoops?

I hope to find some documentation on how everything is supposed to be set up.

Thanks for the response.

Xoops LDAP Authentication
  • 2008/5/12 13:31

  • chadm

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  • Since: 2006/6/29

I understand that in the later versions of XOOPS LDAP authentication is built into the core. Will someone point me to some / any documentation on exactly what is needed to set up XOOPS with LDAP? I've searched the forums but have not found anything (wrong search terms???).

I'll look through the source if needed, but hope to avoid that route if possible.


Re: General PHP help: use of header() with an HTML file
  • 2008/1/12 3:45

  • chadm

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  • Since: 2006/6/29

I could not wait and went back to work...

The solution was pretty simple; if the extension of the file is htm or html simply include the file and end the script. The file shows in the web browser as an HTML file should.

Thank you very much for pointing me in the right direction for a solution!!!


Re: General PHP help: use of header() with an HTML file
  • 2008/1/12 2:02

  • chadm

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  • Posts: 50

  • Since: 2006/6/29

I had not thought about simply including the file and having it sent on to the browser.

I'll try it when i get back to my office tomorrow.

Thanks a million for the idea! I'll let you know when we get it working.

Re: General PHP help: use of header() with an HTML file
  • 2008/1/11 23:36

  • chadm

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 50

  • Since: 2006/6/29

I wish it were that simple. The files are not in the web root, so direct links to the files are not an option. That's why we are using a script to open and push the files to the web browser.

Any other ideas?

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