In the theme.html, can I know when the "Homepage" is being shown?
  • 2009/1/28 18:04

  • chadm

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 50

  • Since: 2006/6/29

We are using an older version of XOOPS The site is restricted to about 6 internal IP addresses so please don't suggest that my first step is to upgrade... :)

Inside the theme is there a parameter to check so that I know when the "Homepage" is being displayed? We want to display something special in a certain content area, but we also want all of the dynamic XOOPS blocks to show as well.

Please let me know if my question does not make sense!


Re: In the theme.html, can I know when the "Homepage" is being shown?
  • 2009/1/28 18:21

  • deka87

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 1125

  • Since: 2007/10/5

Mind anchors

Re: In the theme.html, can I know when the "Homepage" is being shown?
  • 2009/1/28 21:31

  • chadm

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 50

  • Since: 2006/6/29

I searched and searched for something to help. The link you provided reminded me of something I should have known! I turned on Smarty Debug and realized I could use the variable: $xoops_requesturi

For the top page that variable is "/"

Any other page inside any other module will have /modules/mymodule/index.php=id=1 or whatever!

Thanks for the link, it solved my issue; indirectly but I found a solution!


Re: In the theme.html, can I know when the "Homepage" is being shown?
  • 2009/3/26 22:57

  • chadm

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 50

  • Since: 2006/6/29

I had to revisit this again and wanted to post an addendum to the solution. The variable $xoops_requesturi will contain either "/" or "/index.php" when you are on the "home" page of the site.

Just thought i'd share if anyone cares...


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