Re: Xoops Hosting Forum Launched
  • 2003/12/18 2:33

  • elmore

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  • Posts: 2

  • Since: 2002/1/27

I posted this in another thread but thought I'd post here. Again while these guys are just getting started I've been hosting with these guys for a while and have not had any problems. They seem to have a lot of promise. Support thus far has been fantastic and I really can't say enough good things about these guys. Give them a look:


I'm sure there will be many good things to come from these guys.

Re: New Hosting Provider Wanted
  • 2003/12/18 1:42

  • elmore

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 2

  • Since: 2002/1/27

We use xoopshosting.com Though they're just getting started, I've found them to be very flexible with everything I've needed to do. They have reasonable rates and lots of extra features, including a killer control panel. Might be worthwhile to check them out.

Like I said they're still getting off the ground but I've had no problems whatsoever, and I know they have a very robust setup with lots of redundancy and bandwidth.

I also understand from one of the main guys at xoopshosting.com that they're running operating in the same facility as google.



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