Serious forum issues
  • 2006/10/20 3:44

  • RRice

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 22

  • Since: 2006/2/28

actually, i think it maybe the whole site. When ever anyone posts in our forums, it doesn't show up unless someone goes in and clicks the update forum and system module from the CP. I also noticed this does this when we try to make changes to moduiles like the claender as well.

What is causing this and how do i go about fixing it? Were still using the XOOPS i tried an upgrade going by whats posted on how to do it, but it would not take. so were sticking with this for now.

Basic Forum Module issue
  • 2006/10/19 21:41

  • RRice

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 22

  • Since: 2006/2/28

In the general preferances on my site, i have it set to nested, showing oldest posts first. In my user profile, i have the same thing. Yet when i go to the forums, and read a thread. it is showing the newest post first.

How can i force XOOPS to always display the oldest post in a thread first, with newer ones coming after it?


Re: Having some css issues
  • 2006/10/16 22:24

  • RRice

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 22

  • Since: 2006/2/28

Thanks. It worked to change only the first forum per category. As well as only just 1 or 2 posts in a certian forum. And thats with both changes.

Having some css issues
  • 2006/10/16 21:58

  • RRice

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 22

  • Since: 2006/2/28

If you look at the forums in my clans site,http://ver1.soldiersinchains.clanservers.com/modules/newbb/index.php
the main color for site wide links is grey. MAking the links to each forum the same color.
Well, when you go into a specific forum, it's hard to read the colors of each post. I tried to change the colors in the css file for the forums to black, but it doesn't sem to have helped.

where would i put the code in the css file to make only links in the forums black?

here is the css code i have for my site...

body {color#999999; background-color: #000000; margin: 0; padding: 0;}
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Thanks in advanced.

Backup module question.
  • 2006/8/10 11:31

  • RRice

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 22

  • Since: 2006/2/28

Is there a way to auotmate this module to do the database back ups? I have it installed on a few sites, but i can't always get in there at the same time each week to make the backups.

Someone told me to use a cronjob. Cron who? That Tron's cousin? I have used the backup module for some time, and love it. I don't know a lot of php to start hacking it.

Or is there another module or software i can upload that will automate this proccess for me?

Re: Protector Module questions
  • 2006/8/8 17:38

  • RRice

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 22

  • Since: 2006/2/28


MadFish wrote:
Since its a simple module, I got all inspired and started banging together a guide to protector - it's half finished, so hopefully it will be available tomorrow night some time. If work doesn't drop any more bombs on me.

(The CBB guide is coming phppp :)

I really appreciate that as i know may others will.

I have everything set except the first two issues,

php_flag register_globals off
php_flag session.use_trans_sid off

I have conacted my host support to see if they can fix it.

I want to thank everyone who responded.

Re: Protector Module questions
  • 2006/8/8 15:37

  • RRice

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 22

  • Since: 2006/2/28


skenow wrote:
I have the following in my htaccess file:
php_flag   register_globals   off
php_flag session
.use_trans_sid off

and this works.

You can put them anywhere in your htaccess file, I just put them at the top of the file, and this file is in my root folder.

i tried this and i got internal server errors when the page reloaded. i contacted the host admins to see if they would change the settings. so now ihave to wait.

thank you for the replies.

Protector Module questions
  • 2006/8/8 11:53

  • RRice

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 22

  • Since: 2006/2/28

I have searched the site and found some answers. But i still need some help configuring this module. Due to a recent event with my web host, in which they were hacked because of a insecure server, about 40 people or so lost their sites, including myself. Now i'm not sure if this module will help, but it's getting installed on all XOOPS sites from the start from now on.

1- I don't see anything about a Protector Block. I looked in the System Admin>>Blocks section and didn't see anything and i also looked in the Protector module and didn't see anything. Where is this located.

2- My password and main.php file are marked as Okay. However, the following are marked "Not Secure".

'register_globals' : on Not secure

'allow_url_fopen' : on Not secure

'session.use_trans_sid' : on Not secure


I have gone through all the help files i could find. Either i didn't find the answer to help change this or i didn't understand it.

I did however use the Pre-Fix manager to copy the XOOPS DB Pre-fix and change it to or added a different Pre-Fix. Yet it still says it's not secure. In my Pre-Fix manager, i have two Pre-Fixes listed,how do i change the db to use the new one and not the XOOPS one?

I opened the /home/cs193276/public_html/.htaccess with note pad. But i have no clue what to add/change or even do. There were some sqaure boxes listed in there, so i am taking it, notepad isn't the program to open it with?

It says to add php_flag session.use_trans_sid off in the root .htaccess. can i add it anywhere by copying and pasting or does it need to go somehwere special?

Sorry for the qquestions. I just don't understand this module or it's workings. And after what happened, i'm trying to secure the site as best as possible.

I will say though, since i started using Xoops, i have learnt a lot more then what i knew. And i feel pretty good about sicne i did a lot of it on my own. And what i didn't know, everyone here helped enormously.


I'm Being Spammed... help idea's?
  • 2006/7/28 11:22

  • RRice

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 22

  • Since: 2006/2/28

Some jack off is using my contact form that came with the instillation to send me mass emails. All threatening. I was looking for the full header and it only gives me information as coming from my hosting server.

What can i do to add a lot more security? I don't want tomake the contact form visible to only registered users. I do get legit questions from non-members of the site. But 20+ emails a day is getting ridiculous. I could care less what this guy is saying to me, i'm not going to play games. I just need to stop it some how.

Thanx in advanced.

Re: Unsure how to do this with Xoops
  • 2006/6/11 14:52

  • RRice

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 22

  • Since: 2006/2/28

anyone able to help me?

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