I have installed the module and most of it works fine and I have put the files from the root file in there respective files but now the intalation links on the intergration page dont work they just reload the page with no messages at all.
I am running
xoops 2.0.17
php 5
mysql 5
and this is the info from the intergration screen
Information coming from the file PHP.ini :
* Safe Mode Status : OFF
* Register Globals : OFF
* Server Uploads Status : ON
* Max Upload Size Permitted : 10M
* Max Post Size Permitted : 8M
General Information:
* Server Path to XOOPS Root : *removed*
* Theme installed by default on your site : dreamy
Fonction status :
* Fonction fopen() :OFF
* Fonction rename() :OFF
* Fonction copy() :OFF
* Fonction unlink() :OFF
Hope you can help