3 FCKeditor in my Xoopsite ?
  • 2008/2/1 15:21

  • domineaux

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 389

  • Since: 2002/9/29

I was looking at the file structure yesterday of one of my old XOOPS sites. The darn thing has about 3 instances of FCKeditor installed. The editor is installed with the module and not in the core.

Has anyone developed anything or have core changes been made to allow for installation of only one FCKeditor in a site?


I was on the yahoo.com site and saw a video I thought I'd like to see. WHen I clicked on it I was told I needed to DL the Quicktime and Flash player.

Now, for a fact I have both on my computer. I constantly am seeing flash movies, as I move around on the web. I know I have flash installed. Heck, all you have to do is right click on a flash ad to see you have it installed, not counting the fact you can see the blinking ad.

I think the web guru twits must be getting paid for constantly ragging on us to upgrade something we've already got. In fact, I'm getting pretty nervous about the constant intervention by sites wanting to do something or other on my computer.

I've got a ZoneAlarm installed, and my gosh at the number of times this thing is picking up someone trying to get into my computer. Microsoft is even guilty of pulling this kinda junk.

Piracy probably has a lot to do with the contant junk we're being asked to upgrade. I think adobe, microsoft, etc, the big name guys are constantly picking our computers for information.

Anyway, is it just me or do others feel there is "getting to be too much of this kind of thing of late ".

I'm behind a router, zonealarm firewall, 3 spyware programs which I use regularly, and a virus scanner. I turn off my computer everytime I leave the house. Recently, I came home and my router and dsl modem were going wild with activitiy. Believe it or not. Somehow, someone had acquired a way to get in past WEP 64bit security.

Now, I'm looking for a good utility that will lock my harddrives, partitions, and other storage devices. I run 100 gig partitions on my drives to help with defragmentation and other maintenance.

I didn't know it until I put on the Zonealarm firewall, but there is so much going on a web connection. My DSL is a constant on situation, and someone or some bot is trying to get into my computer. When I load a different software it's not uncommon to get a popup on zonealarm that some program or other is trying to get out of my computer, or worse..act as a server.


I could use some recommendations for a lock software for my hard drives, partitions, folders and other storage devices, both software and hardware.

I thought I should add this.. I'd also like to find something to hide/lock my registry as well I think the darn ferret bots are all over the place extracting stuff, which we don't even have a clue about what it is or what it does.

Pages that standalone for SEO with link to core if required
  • 2007/3/2 22:16

  • domineaux

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 389

  • Since: 2002/9/29

I'm working on a site that requires a number of full complete standalone pages of content. These pages should have their own meta be called through separtate URL, i.e.,

http://blftzk.com/Xoops/pageOne/Index.php --- http://blftzk.com/Xoops/pageTwo/Index.php -- http://blftzk.com/Xoops/pageThree/Index.php --- http://blftzk.com/Xoops/pageFour/Index.php

I plan to use a domain name that has nothing to do with the company. http://www.blftzk.com or something totally unrelated.

These pages may or may not be linked to each other. Each pages will be submitted to Search Engines as a separate and individual page. Each page should have it's own meta data.

It really doesn't matter if the searchbots go to each page and move to another of the pages, if they are linked within the page.

This site is for a company with several locations. Each location is in a different city, and each location has a different different way of doing business. In fact, going onto one master site and then branching off to separate sites is not acceptable.

These pages are what I would basically call "Landing pages", because effectively that's all they are. I think not linking them to one home/basic page takes them out of that category...not sure.

I realize I can do the whole thing by just building HTML pages, and building the meta for each page and doing some links. THe problem is.. There is a possibility of a catalog of product items in the near future, which means I should probably be thinking of accessing or having accesible the MySql. That indicates to me this site would be a better candidate for XOOPS with the facility available to poke a module or two into the core install and then link from the respective pages into the MySql database.

I don't think I something like this will accomplish what I need:


I'm trying to keep the SEO closely associated with each site page itself, not the XOOPS root/core. I don't want to have to build appx. 32 sites with separate domains either.

Anyway, I just thought I'd prospect for some ideas by asking on the boards.


Re: Fixed vs. Variable width themes
  • 2007/2/21 22:39

  • domineaux

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When you get around people that have good eyesite and that is a lot of people. You'd be surprised how many can see well enough to read fine print. I was watching some guys play World of Warcraft the other night. The screen was out of site for me, but those guys had the 22" screen dialed into max resolution. They could see everything that was going on.

One fix for the text size, is providing a text resizer script in the theme. I've got these now on almost all sites.

Variable themes will require text resizing, and graphic resizing, etc. The graphic tools ImageMagik, GD can probably be used. THe tools will have to be called from within the theme code according to the enabled screen size.

Building competent variable themes, is going to make theme building a much more difficult process. I mentioned I only use variable width themes now, and I think that is the future for themes.

Simple Machines forums theme and Xoops theme - alike?
  • 2007/2/20 20:25

  • domineaux

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Has anyone thought to build some themes that work across XOOPS and SMF forums?

There is a bridge on the SMF site for Xoops.

Personally, I just build separate installs. Keeping up with upgrades is difficult, because you are dependent upon too many people when either product upgrades. I think it is critical to upgrade when they become available, especially those upgrades that deal with any security issue.

I could definitely appreciate some integrated themes that looked the same on SMF and Xoops.

Fixed vs. Variable width themes
  • 2007/2/20 19:55

  • domineaux

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 389

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I've used only variable width CSS themes on my sites for the past two years. I am amazed that theme builders are still putting up fixed width themes.

The large LCD/Digital monitors 19" and up are now priced very low. I recently purchased a 22" LCD monitor for less than 300 USD. When you look at a fixed width theme on these larger monitors there is so much space and so little content visable.

Competition is now almost altogether using variable width themes, and it forces anyone with any sense about building sites to do the same. I keep my monitor now set at 1024x768 to optimize my sites. I know this is not a large screen size, but I think it is sort of middle road for most users right now.

A 750 pixel width theme is now so dated looking. I realize it is easier to configure themes that have fixed sizes for their component elements of the site. It's just going to take more effort to provide components with variable width considerations built in I guess.

I'll be glad to read what theme builders have to say abou this topic, and I'm sure many explanations are valid. The problem is not what is best.

It's the increased screen sizes of monitors and the extra content that can be included in sites that are variable width. Users want to fill the screen with the gobble-de-goop and verbiage we supply.

Sorry for the triple posts... I couldn't tell if the boards were accepting the posting. I've lost so many postings on these boards that just didn't post. SOmething to do with a timeout I guess. If I take to long to write a post it just drops out when I finish and submit. I now make copy to clipboard a couple times during the post.

ANyway...if anyone reads this has the ability to delete the extra postings. GO FOR IT, and forgive me.

Re: Global Blocks - choose title, change colors, gradient colors
  • 2007/1/31 20:02

  • domineaux

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snow77 wrote:
all this is possible and is done with the theme creation so it's up to the designer how the theme comes out, I wouldn't see it as a hack

My undestanding is the last code overrides previous coding.

By that I mean, the html file color codes would override CSS codes, etc.

So, wouldn't the codes if placed in the blocks override the codes in CSS and the theme.html as well?

Global Blocks - choose title, change colors, gradient colors
  • 2007/1/31 19:19

  • domineaux

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 389

  • Since: 2002/9/29

Blocks Title bar switch to turn it off or on.

The ability to change colors in any block, with the ability to add gradient color scheme, background image with some level of translucence.

I'm not sure this is a hack or mod. As a global thing it would probably be more of a mod with the gradient color thing.

I also think it might just require a few code hacks in several current files to do it.

Anyway, this could add a lot of interest in our sites.

Re: Peekays Tab Hack for Content 0.5
  • 2007/1/28 15:38

  • domineaux

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 389

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Peekay wrote:
Hi domineaux.

There are a lot of postings in the Content module comments. (so many in fact it breaks the page). I think a lot are regarding the newer development where the dev is trying to incorporate a permissions system.

Content 0.5 installs just fine for me and works right out of the box, but I am using XOOPS It may not work at all with a later version of XOOPS or PHP 5 or MySQL 5.

As far as the hack is concerned, simply replace 'index.php' and the template 'ct_index.html' as explained in my post #1.

If you want to try tabbed blocks, use the procedure in post #3, but use the amended code from post #6 to create the PHP file.

I'm on the latest XOOPS 2.0.X. The module appears to be working, but I'm not having much luck with the tabbed content. I think I'll take this project on next week.

Thanks for your response

Re: Peekays Tab Hack for Content 0.5
  • 2007/1/28 3:22

  • domineaux

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 389

  • Since: 2002/9/29


I installed the Content .5 tonight, but looking through all the postings I need to allow a couple hours just to ferret through the postings. Sorting out the "this don't works" from the "this works" looks like it's going to be a royal pain in the south.

Have you thought to consolidate the information into one good posting? I'm sure I can work through it, but I just see hours of trial and error ahead. I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one that would appreciate your efforts...for sure.

Heck, my teachers' always had to explain the process twice to me.


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