3 FCKeditor in my Xoopsite ?
  • 2008/2/1 15:21

  • domineaux

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 389

  • Since: 2002/9/29

I was looking at the file structure yesterday of one of my old XOOPS sites. The darn thing has about 3 instances of FCKeditor installed. The editor is installed with the module and not in the core.

Has anyone developed anything or have core changes been made to allow for installation of only one FCKeditor in a site?

Re: 3 FCKeditor in my Xoopsite ?
  • 2008/4/6 1:42

  • blackmarx

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 21

  • Since: 2007/11/2

xoops offers a framework pack of editors that can be installed.

unfortunatlly the module developers need to make use of it.

some of them code for different directories.
fckeditor could be coded for the module and installed in that directory.
most cases it is in 'class/FCKeditor' or 'class/xoopseditor/FCKeditor'

somewhere in got goofed up and some module call for it from

the difference is case sensitive.

pain in the ass if you ask me.

I have been try to hack my module code so they can all access they the framework install, which is in directory 'class/xoopseditor/FCKeditor'

but so

Re: 3 FCKeditor in my Xoopsite ?
  • 2008/4/6 2:00

  • Catzwolf

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1392

  • Since: 2007/9/30

Hiya Domineaux,

As you know, I have been developing modules for a while and I am just as confused as everyone else regarding this matter.

Yesterday I downloaded DJ's XoopsEditors and found that the package was incomplete and from a developers point of few it needed a few changes to make it work correctly. I found that many people actually directly accessed the the editor class when in fact it should have been down via the Xoopsform when adding anyone of the editors.

This method should be the standard and the correct approach when using XoopsForm and there should be another method used when dealing with a non XoopsForm (ie through the XOOPS editor).

But you are right, there is no standard approach for doing this and there should be.


Re: 3 FCKeditor in my Xoopsite ?
  • 2008/4/14 4:09

  • blackmarx

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 21

  • Since: 2007/11/2

can anyone help me with this.

i get an error everytime i try to upload an image with fckeditor.

click here to view theerror
thanks for any help.

Re: 3 FCKeditor in my Xoopsite ?
  • 2008/4/14 4:10

  • blackmarx

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 21

  • Since: 2007/11/2

can anyone help me with this.

i get an error everytime i try to upload an image with fckeditor.

click here to view the error
thanks for any help.


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