Re: XCGallery - How to Display in Main Menu?
  • 2005/10/9 12:50

  • givething

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 7

  • Since: 2005/9/16

Thank you,Barry! I had done the second, but not the first - all fixed and working beautifully.

XCGallery - How to Display in Main Menu?
  • 2005/10/8 22:40

  • givething

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 7

  • Since: 2005/9/16

I hope someone can help me work out this issue: I have successfully installed this fine gallery module in my v. 2.0 XOOPS site: GIVEthing where I am using the 7Dana-Red theme. But I can't work out how to make the Gallery visible to anonymous users in the main menu. My default page is set to News, and other modules I have added all display without problems. But not this one. I keep looking in Blocks Admin hoping to find a clue, but no luck so far.

Is it because Anon users are not allowed to upload? I don't want to have to grant this permission.

Re: searching a image gallery
  • 2005/10/8 22:30

  • givething

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 7

  • Since: 2005/9/16

xcgal does all the things you just described, I just added it to my site: GIVEthing, but I am here on XOOPS trying to find out how to make it visible on the main menu to anonymous visitors, so you would need to sign up to see it at the moment. Sorry about that - it is a really good mod, though, if you don't mind taking a n00b's word for it ;D I chose it because it is based on Coppermine's functionality, which is a very highly-regarded app. You'll find it in the Module Repo.

Re: Is Xoops google friendly - any tips
  • 2005/9/17 22:49

  • givething

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 7

  • Since: 2005/9/16

Thank you so much for your help - but I still get the crazy parsing error even after getting a php expert to check my code. I also tried the sitemap plug in module's xml_google.php, but couldn't get that file to work either. (Although I do now have a nice sitemap for visitors). Finally, I found this link in a post in the Google Sitemaps Group:
http://www.softswot.com/sitemapxml.php" rel="noopener external" title="">SoftSwot

and found I was able to generate a great sitemap.php file online, and it's really easy to use!

I am now in the process of installing the application on my server so that I can generate the sitemap dynamically, and to the required depth. I recommend this app for any other newb users like myself who don't have the php skills.

Re: Is Xoops google friendly - any tips
  • 2005/9/16 18:12

  • givething

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 7

  • Since: 2005/9/16

Hi - I am very new to XOOPS, but not to websites. I just don't know php yet. I really want to have a sitemap for my XOOPS installation, (here GIVEthing)
but can't get it to go right! Please can you help? I tried the code above, edited like this:

include "mainfile.php";
$resultb = mysql_query("SELECT storyid FROM XOOPS_stories LIMIT 0,5000");

'; ?>
'; ?>
while ($resultat = mysql_fetch_array($resultb)) {
echo "

} ?>

I get this error:
XML Parsing Error: xml processing instruction not at start of external entity
Location: http://www.givething.info/mything/sitemap.php
Line Number 2, Column 1:
I tried this:

include "mainfile.php";
$resultb = mysql_query("SELECT storyid FROM XOOPS_stories LIMIT 0,5000");

'; ?>
'; ?>
while ($resultat = mysql_fetch_array($resultb)) {
echo "

} ?>

I get this error:
XML Parsing Error: no element found
Location: http://www.givething.info/mything/sitemap1.php
Line Number 5, Column 11:

What do I do next - Any ideas please?



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