searching a image gallery
  • 2005/10/6 19:14

  • ragnarok

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 2

  • Since: 2005/10/2

I'm looking for a image gallery that allows the users to upload their images (as the most of them do) and also let's the users or the admin to upload several photos with one action. I'm thinking in something like uploading a zip file with the photos (for the users) or uploading several photos by ftp(for the admin).

I don't know if there's a module that has this feature or I should request it in the "Module requests" board.

Thank you all.

Re: searching a image gallery
  • 2005/10/8 22:30

  • givething

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  • Posts: 7

  • Since: 2005/9/16

xcgal does all the things you just described, I just added it to my site: GIVEthing, but I am here on XOOPS trying to find out how to make it visible on the main menu to anonymous visitors, so you would need to sign up to see it at the moment. Sorry about that - it is a really good mod, though, if you don't mind taking a n00b's word for it ;D I chose it because it is based on Coppermine's functionality, which is a very highly-regarded app. You'll find it in the Module Repo.

Re: searching a image gallery
  • 2005/10/9 0:28

  • ragnarok

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 2

  • Since: 2005/10/2

Thank you!, I had the XcGal installed but I didn't understand what was the batch upload I've just tried it now and it's great!

I'm really noob, but I know several things you have to do to allow anonymous users to see the gallery.

- The gallery must be active
- Anonymous users have to be able to see the main menu.
- In admin panel > modules > gallery > groups you have several options about anonymous users
- In admin panel > modules > gallery > admin overview you have several options about anonymous users.
- For each category and album you can choose who can see it and who can upload pictures to it.

If the problem is other I have no clue.

Thank you again.


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