Mobile Themes
  • 2008/6/26 21:57

  • srmcatee

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  • Posts: 63

  • Since: 2005/8/22

Hello, I am looking at making a mobile theme. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can implement a mobile theme for users hitting my .mobi site and have a regular theme for everyone else? Note, both themes are hitting the same site with the same content. I'm not sure how to do this without hacking the XOOPS core.
ChurchLedger.com - A Xoops Module Developer

Re: Stopping Spider Trolls
  • 2007/10/19 18:51

  • srmcatee

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  • Posts: 63

  • Since: 2005/8/22


This comes with an "anti auto register bots" filter.
Read more about it

I do not see anything in 3.04 about registration or filters. Is this "auto-included"?
ChurchLedger.com - A Xoops Module Developer

Stopping Spider Trolls
  • 2007/10/19 15:47

  • srmcatee

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  • Posts: 63

  • Since: 2005/8/22


I run multiple Church websites and community websites. I am constantly being hit my a spider that registers, approves their activation key and then submits garbly-gook comments through out the site.

Is there any way to implement the security image requirement like you see in the contact us page for Registration?

Here's an example of a contact us page:

Thank you in advance for your time and replies.
ChurchLedger.com - A Xoops Module Developer

Re: The Bazaar
  • 2007/10/10 21:59

  • srmcatee

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  • Posts: 63

  • Since: 2005/8/22

Holy Cow!!! No one has replied to this??

ChurchLedger.com - A Xoops Module Developer

The Bazaar
  • 2007/10/4 16:51

  • srmcatee

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  • Posts: 63

  • Since: 2005/8/22

A long time ago Eric Raymond wrote the book The Cathedral and Bazaar.

I have been using XOOPS for about five years and have been observing the project. I propose today that XOOPS is suffering from Cathedralitis. It's time to go to the Bazaar.

The volunteers in the XOOPS project give a great amount of their time and have great ideas and visions. I appreciate their time and commitment. But I would argue that for the last two years XOOPS has been wandering. The XOOPS project has been wandering under the guidance of the Cathedral. Recently we have had many directions for the project laid out such as Foundation, DEV, Wiki, Info, Modules…. Some of these are going, some are not.

I like the direction of the Xoopsphere and all the cool things they are doing and building there. However, the Xoopsphere is still under the guidance of the cathedral.

I recently saw on the extCal module a move to the Bazaar. The developer Zoullou.net did a quick module and let everyone vote on the next features of the Module. They voted with dollars $$$. Zoullou had been working on several features but he found the community voted with $$$$ to have recurring events added to the module. Recurring events was a significant rewrite and involved a lot of time on Zoullou’s part and something he had been avoiding due to the size and time commitment of the effort. But since there was $$$ behind the desire he’s putting his time into it. The Bazaar works!!!

It’s time for Xoops, all of XOOPS to go back to the Bazaar. I propose we collaborate with Zoullou and put out a Feature/Vote module and let the community have a voice and say and put its money where its mouth is.

Personally for me: I would like a chance to vote on elevating the Migration of 2.2 to 2.0.x ahead of the Xoopsphere. I think the Bazaar would give me the chance to cast this vote and be heard.

Also, wouldn’t the core XOOPS guys like to do this full time; and get paid!!!
ChurchLedger.com - A Xoops Module Developer

Re: Module Repository - When is it going to open???
  • 2007/7/29 16:12

  • srmcatee

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Thanks for the fast reply.

I can't wait to see the new module repository. The modules of XOOPS are the heart and sole of the project.

It will really be awesome!!!
ChurchLedger.com - A Xoops Module Developer

Module Repository - When is it going to open???
  • 2007/7/29 15:21

  • srmcatee

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  • Posts: 63

  • Since: 2005/8/22

I know we having been going thru a big redesign and all. I believe the Module repository has been closed for so long everyone has stopped using it.

When is it going to reopen. Having this closed really reflects poorly on the XOOPS projects.

Who or what committe is assigned to this and can we start getting updates as to where they are. If they can't get this back online, its time to reassign the responsibility for it.
ChurchLedger.com - A Xoops Module Developer

Re: Module: OSC Membership
  • 2007/5/6 14:56

  • srmcatee

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ChurchLedger.com - A Xoops Module Developer

Re: Repository: A list of modules
  • 2007/5/6 14:13

  • srmcatee

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  • Posts: 63

  • Since: 2005/8/22


Thank you very much for all you do for the XOOPS community.

I've posted two modules to the forum. Is there a web address or place you have begun to build the new repository? I'd like to check what I have put out there and provide a file for download for the modules I have posted.
ChurchLedger.com - A Xoops Module Developer

Module: OSC Giving
  • 2007/5/6 14:09

  • srmcatee

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  • Posts: 63

  • Since: 2005/8/22

Module Name and Version
OSC Giving 3.0

Short Description
OSC Giving is a Church Management module that links to the OSC Membership module. The module tracks member giving by individual.

Detailed Description

OSC Giving provides member giving and tracking using the members contained in the OSC Membership module. The module tracks individual giving and generates year end reports for tax purposes for each member of the congregation.



Home Page

System Requirements
Xoops 2.0.16 or higher, PHP 4.x or greater, OSC Membership module 3.0
ChurchLedger.com - A Xoops Module Developer

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