Re: Feature for a great calendar module ?
  • 2005/2/16 15:55

  • fatalman

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 2

  • Since: 2005/2/15


SyncML in an XOOPS calendar?

I used to syncronize my mobile with outlook, rally nice! i just imported my school schedule into outlook, made an script that set the alarm to 1 hour before first class in the mornin and 10 minutes before all other lectures. That way i always knew what classroom to go to and when. Now my cable is broken and i want to syncronise my mobile over WAP!

I mean my mobile will break down any minute and how do i tranfer my calendar and contacts to my next phone?

If im out traveling and someone else ads meetings to our calendar it would be nice to syncronise over wap.

I have found some open source calendar/contacts project so one could syncronize the phone with a database, but i would like to have this directly in XOOPS and if the standard syncML is used it could be used to syncronize whatever you want since its a standard. Most mobiles now adays accept wap and syncML!

Re: Please help DMS .097 import file error
  • 2005/2/16 15:02

  • fatalman

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 2

  • Since: 2005/2/15


I've seen that alot of people had/have problems with the repository directory. In my case i solved it finally but when i uploaded it to my my webhosting company i got problems again. This since my webhost runs PHP in safe mode and as PHP/apache runs as another user than me creating directories and uploading pages. The files/directories i upload with ftp gets the uid 21 and the scripts run in PHP/apache has the user 81, as these differ PHP in safe mode says STOP! (can be seen in the first post in this thread!) Is it possible to solve this? (My webhost will not turn safe mode off, and i can't see anythin else they can do, and as i understand it alot of other people have the same problem).

And when it comes to the repository directory me and other windows users may be a bit unsure what this path should be relative to, we are uesd to paths starting with "c:\"
i finally figured it out running phpinfo() telling me where from the script was run and in that way figure out what path to use.

If this mudule could be adapted to us users with safe mode i would be very happy, thanks alot in advance!




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