Comments in user profile
  • 2006/11/23 22:49

  • fbs777

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  • Since: 2005/1/9 4

A good feature for next versions of XOOPS is an option to comment in the user profile (http://www.site.com/userinfo.php?uid=123)

Something like "Comment about the member XYZ" like in this site:


Re: Need to improve the "users module" to make it more actual
  • 2006/11/18 23:22

  • fbs777

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Thats what i was talking about:

Resized Image

Community builder - extension for joomla

As you can see, this must be a module feature, and not included in XOOPS core...

Joomla has a module/extension for this, and XOOPS dont have a module like this one for joomla...

That's the problem...

Re: Need to improve the "users module" to make it more actual
  • 2006/11/18 22:44

  • fbs777

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  • Posts: 48

  • Since: 2005/1/9 4


ozp11 wrote:
There is a hack/module that make XOOPS URL friendly.

So.... why that´s not on the core??

everyone needs this
Ok, this is a good option, but is not a NEED, i can live with normal urls. Like m0nty said, today search engines can read the url's as they are, so you can wait the implementation of simplified url in 2.3.
And url simplification isn't for everyone, because this feature dont work in every host server...

Too many customization leads to fragmentation, spread in the community, forks, and in the bottom line will be better to develop your own system.
I dont need to hack or make a customization. As you can see, your problems are not general problems. Think about: some of solutions for you can be new problems for other webmasters... Now, if what you want can be made in modules, you can use the features you need with module, and the others can still use the default features.

Everyone knows that linux is just a kernel in technical terms. Who cares about that?
Only the techincal people. The linux developers and so on

Linux users and computer users does not care about this

They want a linux that works and its easy to operate

I know that ubuntu has a good kernel, and I want to know nothing more.

You still dont understand? I told this because you want to include a lot of things in core (kernel).
I told this for you understand: All visible things must be in module/theme. The core must work only like a bridge between php/mysql/apache and the visible area (module/theme/template). Just this.

The difference of Ubuntu (very easy to use) from Gentoo (very hard to use) is the packages (programs, modules, libs, etc). The kernel is basically the same.

I see the XOOPS in the same way: the kernel must be as clean as possible. What must diff a XOOPS website from another is the modules/themes

Thats why you can see this page This is a page with various types of xoops, each one for each type of site. All these use the same kernel (core) of XOOPS 2.2, what make difference is the modules included.
Thats the better thing to do for beginners: release different packs for different proposes. And of course, release the core alone too, like today.

So i think you are wrong to ask to include many things in core, when almost them can be include in modules or blocks...

Im talking about social network features, not a copy of a social network system

I agree, XOOPS must have more things related to involve the community and keep them visiting the site. But why you dont ask the features for module developers? Ask to phppp (who made the CBB) to include some functions in the forum.
Ask for someone to create new modules with new features.

Phpp already say about to use the future CBB 4 in XOOPS 2.3 to work like comments too, so every comments in news, downloads etc. will go to topics in forum. So, XOOPS will be able to see comments and topics of forum in the same place.

This will use new functions of XOOPS 2.3, but still are third party module working.

In this case, XOOPS 2.3 will include some functions in core, and modules like CBB will make use of them.

Again comparing with linux: New versions of kernel have a priority: security/bug fix and make the kernel compatible with new types of hardware.
I think the XOOPS core is basically the same: security/bug fix and make compatible with new versions and features of apache/php/mysql/smarty/xoops smarty...

Why drupal is 2.0 and XOOPS is 1.0?

See, this is not black and white.
Go to drupal site take a look at it and how its organized and how can you interact with it

Im testing he in localhost. But i dont like his organization, with modules integrated in core...
About interact, just one good point: option to anyone (based on permissions) create pages. But this is a module problem. There is no XOOPS module for this... So, we need someone to create a good module for this.
Something like the XT_conteudo but for all users, not just for admin, based on permissions
So, i make a topic in XT to ask for a new version of xt_conteudo with new features to solve this problem.

Drupal is just an example that is closer to web 2.0 than Xoops

Ok, now i tested this drupal. my conclusion: Is more like a "all-in-one", with modules integrated with administration.
I think its wrong. Each update in some modules must update the own drupal version, and dev team core must wast time with modules integrated...

Now take a look in changelog of drupal: a lot of security fixes, so isnt very security...

Xoops is one of the most security CMS, and problaly because dont have many modules with core, just banner, pm, comments, system (and i think in future none these will be integrated in core).
Thats why XOOPS takes a lot of time to have new versions, exactly like the kernel linux...

There is nothing really new on web 2.0
The new stuff is more about BEHAVIOR and FILOSOFY than NEW TECHNOLOGY

Again, the filosofy of drupal is to make an integration of core-modules, but i think this dificult the release of new modules and themes.

And about themes, i see the theme files from one theme of drupal and i cant see how to make a great theme for drupal. Comparing with xoops, in drupal i think is very hard to make great themes...

group participation on making contend
you control your own data
social networking

Its all about modules... For rss, there is a lot of modules. For blog, there is wordpress and wordpress_mu, for tag, phppp release the XOOPS tag module for integrate tags between modules who suport this tag module.

Can you make a web 2.0 site with XOOPS default?

If you know a litlle of webdesing and copy and paste javascripts in theme or in file of js from xoops, you can make great sites, like you can see in that site with best sits of month.

Can you make with XOOPS hacked and customized?

Including hacks you can make sites even more greats

Its worth the job?
I dont know, because other systems have web 2.0 features integrated in their core

How many sites made with CMS are like you telling about and not like the "old" xoops/phpnuke/newBB/IPB style?
And their are security and easy to made great sites, or is very hard to creat different themes with them?

Re: Need to improve the "users module" to make it more actual
  • 2006/11/18 1:38

  • fbs777

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 48

  • Since: 2005/1/9 4


ozp11 wrote:
fbs777 doesnt understand the point of my discussion...

if linux is a kernel, why there is ubuntu? why ubuntu is growing so fast?

because its easy to operate.

So that´s my point. Making thinks easier is better

Again, you dont understand:
Linux = Kernel
Ubuntu = Distribution

Ubuntu use the same 2.6.x kernel (linux) of any other dist. like Suse, Mandriva, Debian, Kurumin... The difference from one dist. to other dist. is the programs, modules, window manager, etc.

But the important is: All Dist. use Kernel 2.6.x. Thats the point: One kernel, many dist. with different proposes...

If was possible to compare, this can be the most close:
Linux (Kernel) = XOOPS (core)
Ubuntu = XOOPS + modules + themes

In Ubuntu or any other Dist., none of visible thing is "linux". The window manager of ubuntu is Gnome. In Kubuntu, the window manager is KDE. And the X server (server who admin. the window manager) can be XF86free or Xorg.

So, this is the order of function in Ubuntu:
kernel (linux) -> Xorg -> GNOME -> Firefox

As you can see, the linux (kernel) in this case is only a bridge between hardware and the X server.
Xorg, GNOME and Firefox are just third party programs using a kernel to comunicate with hardware. And the name of this kernel is Linux...

As you can see, what make a linux distribution like Ubuntu so good is the third party programs and modules, not the kernel...

Too many adaptations is something that we have to avoid, since the more you adapt the more hard is to keep it up with the upgrades.

My site is very adapted and still not too easy from the users point of view.
Upgrade now is almost a nightmare

If you want to make the site looks like orkut, of course you need a lot of adaptations and hacks.
But if you want to create a normal content site (like any other made in xoops, phpnuke, phpBB, IPB, etc), you dont need to do adaptations or hacks, only need to change some words in language files in case of business site.

How many webmasters need to adapt or hack the defaut XOOPS to work like a comunity site?
Just a few, i think...

I have this block in my site (submit news, articles etc)
but this is not enough
The "add contend" feature must be at the user own page.

Thats the point: YOU think is necessary include this in the user account too. I think its enough just a simple block...
Of couse the dev team can include this in future versions, but i think isnt important, because if you can use this feature with a simple block, the dev team must work in new features who cant be included just creating a new block or changing the theme/template...

Its not "help us" idea, but "show your contend" idea.

Show your content already exist, if you go to user account you can see all the posts, news, downloads submitted by this user...

Xoops is for community, just read the XOOPS front page.


Replace orkut with your favorite social network

Xoops is not to work as a social network...
I think XOOPS is for community, but community around the site content. For example: a site of a band. Is a site with news, downloads, pictures, etc about this band. So, with a forum and blog, plus the comments in news, pictures, downloads, you have a community site.

web 2.0 is a fact, but web 2.0 is not just about thecnology, its about behavior and filosofy

Ok, but why drupal is web 2.0 and XOOPS is web 1.0?

And which CMS work exactly like you want? In XT you told XOOPS its old comparing with other CMSs, but i dont see many evolution in the other CMS and forum like phpBB/IPB comparing to xoops.

Today dev team released the 2.0.16 version. This will be the last 2.0.x version.
With luck, you will see some social network features in next generation of xoops. With luck...

Re: Need to improve the "users module" to make it more actual
  • 2006/11/17 21:33

  • fbs777

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 48

  • Since: 2005/1/9 4

Well, all this and something more is alread posted in XOOPS Brasil Forum

The problem is ozp11 want the XOOPS like a copy of Orkut (from google).

As i said in XT, XOOPS is a CMS. And in this case, "C" is from Content, not Comunity...

Xoops is made for content sites, so if you want to use the XOOPS for work like orkut you must to adapt he to your needs...

7 - There should be a shortcut at the user page to add any type of contend available on the system (news, links, articles, dowloads) This improve a personal sense for the user, like he is adding his own contend.

This is what im talking about to adapt: Like i said before in XT: Go to admin blocks, make a custom block with links to the page of news send, downloads send, etc. Put a name in block like: Send:, Help us sending:, Contribute with us:

So you will have a block (and the advantage of a block is you can show in wharever page you want, even in all the site, and to an especific group, like just for members) like this:

Help us sending: (this is the block title)

I told you to see the block of contribution in XT, is like this example. Is so hard to create a block like this?

And if you want to add an option to user save pages in favorites, install the module shortcuts, so each user can save your own favorite pages, even some user acount page (so you can use this as a buddy list too).
You dont need to wait for buddy list feature in CBB or other module, just install the module shortcuts...

Another example of bad adaptation: In XT, you told "Im having many problems because users put realname in username and than dont put real name in the real name area".
And why you dont edit the registration template page and include there an explanation of what users must do in the fields? Is so simple: put a text like "Bellow you can see the fields. In field 'username' put your nickname or your first name. In 'real name' put your real name."

Again, is so hard to add this little text in reg. form?
And is your users making confusion, so YOU need to adapt the XOOPS explaning better, because other sites dont have this user problem (almost sites dont care about real names...).

In my case, users was having problem with hotmail, yahoo, etc. because hotmail send the email of registration like spam. So, i edited the text about to confirm registration, including a text telling to check the spam area if using hotmail or yahoo.
I was having this problem, so i made an adaptation to tell for the users about this...

About core, you can't ask to include everything in core. Must be the inverse: the core (kernel) must be only for make the modules and themes to work. The core must be invisible, all the visible areas in the site must be made with modules and themes.

You must take a look in Linux, as i said in XT. What is linux? Linux is just a Kernel. So, you can use a linux saved in a little 1.44 MB old disk. This little linux can be used like a firewall in a pc 386 for intranets.
Or you can take a full Debian distribuction, with a lot of GB.

In xoops, must be like this, so i think its better exclude from core things like comments, banners, private message and even the system module in future (gijoe already making another system module, than the actual can be just an option in future).

So, instead you ask to include things in core, i think you must ask for new modules or ask to include some functions in actual modules...

I asked you in XT about the drupal and you dont answer: Why drupal is web 2.0 and XOOPS is web 1.0? I dont use drupal, so i want to know why he is so better.

You dont answer another question in XT too: You told there about "Today Sites dont use anymore this", "Today sites are like that", but you dont show any site like you want to your own... The only site you use for comparison is Orkut... So i ask you again: Which CMS "Today" is like orkut?

Content Management System is Content Management System. Orkut is Orkut. I think if you want a CMS to work as far as possible like orkut, you are using the wrong "C". Try a CMS (Comunity Management System)

And about the text used (avatar, private message, etc.) i dont understand why you are posting here if you use the portuguese language... About tems of language, you must ask to those who make the portuguese versions. Contact the Barroca, he is one of the most active traductor for portuguese. Go to http://www.XOOPS.org and tell about your preferences.

Most important: i think you dont understand, but the text of languages are just DEFAULT text. YOU define what is better in your site. Is impossible to make an "universal default", each one adjust to your needs.
I think its a waste of time discuss about the better default text... Default is default (in english, portuguese...), nothing more...

Re: 1 block, 2 img (1 img in each theme): its possible?
  • 2006/11/9 19:45

  • fbs777

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I found the solution thanks to Giba in XOOPS Brasil in this topic:

Is very simple with php custom block:

if(!defined('XOOPS_ROOT_PATH')) exit();
$myvar = $GLOBALS["xoTheme"];
echo ' Logo';

With this, if you change the theme, you will see the images/logo.gif from the other theme

But i still want to know:
This is the point: i dont know the autoformat for this smarty.

In the block area show only the {X_SITEURL} (same as <{$xoops_url}> in theme/template).

So, i know:
<{$xoops_url}> = {X_SITEURL}

<{$xoops_imageurl}> = ?
<{$xoTheme}> = ?

I think there's no {XOOPS_URL_THEME}, {X_THEMEURL}, {X_URL_THEME} or something...

Re: 1 block, 2 img (1 img in each theme): its possible?
  • 2006/11/9 18:34

  • fbs777

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 48

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Biteronboard wrote:
<{$xoops_imageurl}> refers to the active_theme/images directory.

Are you actually putting this in a block? If so try the "autoformat" setting, instead of html.

This is the point: i dont know the autoformat for this smarty.

In the block area show only the {X_SITEURL} (same as <{$xoops_url}> in theme/template).

So, i know:
<{$xoops_url}> = {X_SITEURL}
<{$xoops_imageurl}> = ?
<{$xoTheme}> = ?

I think there's no {XOOPS_URL_THEME}, {X_URL_THEME} or something...

Re: 1 block, 2 img (1 img in each theme): its possible?
  • 2006/11/9 17:46

  • fbs777

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This show the same blank block...

In html source code:

One question: this xoops_imageurl inst to display the http://www.site.com/images/ ?
If yes, so this will show the same logo.gif in all themes...

I make 2 different logo.gif for show each one in the right theme.

Re: 1 block, 2 img (1 img in each theme): its possible?
  • 2006/11/9 17:15

  • fbs777

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No, i want to make all in the block, without edit the themes.

I put the images in the same directory name and same image name:


Now i trying to call the image with img html tag, but isnt showing nothing in the site.

I tryed many ways:

1 block, 2 img (1 img in each theme): its possible?
  • 2006/11/8 16:32

  • fbs777

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  • Posts: 48

  • Since: 2005/1/9 4

I think the title is a bit confuse, but what i want is make a custom block to show an image. But in theme A, must display the image A, and in theme B, the image B.

Like this:

Custom block X
Image A if choose Theme A or Image B if choose Theme B.

Its possible?

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