Re: Where to get a complete and working copy?
  • 2004/12/18 16:33

  • zokdok

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 14

  • Since: 2004/12/10


irmtfan wrote:
no need for login to send a bug. just send it from the left link in "Development" menu:
Report Core Bug

The text beneath the textarea 'Please log in!' looks like it's trying to say I need to log in... but it could be me ;)

Anyway, is there a way to find some error log of Xoops, or a way to simply disable the errorhandler so I can find some bugs with the 4.1.x MySQL?

Re: Where to get a complete and working copy?
  • 2004/12/18 8:05

  • zokdok

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 14

  • Since: 2004/12/10

I was thinking,... it could still be the database temporary folder, if I knew what is was and where to check them (and what to check them against).
I find it strange that it would not work with MySQL 4.1+, I haven't had any abnormal encounters with my sites, and they should be at least that backwards compatible or otherwise give a warning (but maybe it does, but XOOPS doesn't show the errors??).

You have to create an account to report a bug, I don't really want to have yet another account somewhere...
After I checked the database temp. folder, if the bug is still pointing towards the MySQL 4.1+ & Xoops, maybe one of you will report it for me :)

Doesn't XOOPS do some error logging somewhere?

Re: Where to get a complete and working copy?
  • 2004/12/18 0:05

  • zokdok

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 14

  • Since: 2004/12/10

ok, I tested the XOOPS install on my main computer, but this time with the MySQL database on my secondary computer (4.0.17), and now it seems to be working..

So this seems to be a XOOPS bug.. It just can't handle MySQL 4.1+ databases...

Where to send the bug report to?

Re: Where to get a complete and working copy?
  • 2004/12/17 23:53

  • zokdok

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 14

  • Since: 2004/12/10

ok, I just enabled PHP 4.3.4 on the other Mac with MySQL 4.0.17, and did a clean download/install of xoops...

all went well and I was able to see the login panel and I could even login :)

So it could be some of the php.ini settings, or XOOPS doesn't work with MySQL 4.1+..
I don't have any weird settings in php.ini, as far as I know.. I duplicated most of the production servers.

Well, at least I now have a working copy of Xoops, would be nice if I could get it working on my main computer.
Next step for me is the manual and get something useful out of Xoops, and hopefully the XOOPS coders (Xoopers?) will fix some compatibility bugs :)

Or could it even be the difference of the zip file and the tarball? As I installed the zip file on my main computer, but come to think of it, I downloaded the tarball on the secondary computer...

Well, now it's time for me to go to bed, and maybe I can figure it out what is wrong..

thanks for your patience :)
I'll keep you updated

Re: Where to get a complete and working copy?
  • 2004/12/17 23:10

  • zokdok

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 14

  • Since: 2004/12/10

I'm not only unable to login, I'm unable to _see_ the login screen...
there is nowhere to login... (please check the screenshot mentioned in the first post)

All my privileges are correct.. all chmod 777, just to make it easy :)

I'm running XOOPS on my local machine:
MacOS X 10.3.7
PHP 4.3.9 & PHP 5.0.2 (switchable)
MySQL 4.1.7

(Xoops sure doesn't run in PHP5 ;) )

Because I'm running on localhost, I'm (for simplicity) using the MySQL database with the MySQL root, so it has completely all rights to do what it wants...
I don't know anything about the database temporary folder, but there are also about 30 other websites of mine in there, and no problems with them whatsoever..

/user.php gives me the exact same page as to be seen in the screenshot.. almost empty
/admin.php gives me a nice message I have no rights.. (what about my human rights?) and redirects me to index.php

no MySQL errors, no errors in the log......
already tried to disable the custom errorhandler, but there are probably more places to be dealt with if I just want to see my errors..

I'm totally blank on this one...

maybe it doesn't like MySQL 4.1+? Could try with a clean XOOPS install with MySQL 4.0+ running (ow, I installed PHP5 there, darn)

thanks for helping me out....

Re: Where to get a complete and working copy?
  • 2004/12/17 22:28

  • zokdok

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 14

  • Since: 2004/12/10

ok, so I downloaded a theme..

I placed it in the themes folder...

now what?..
I'm searching through a lot of files, but I can't find where I can manually set the theme to be used..
Probably this has to be set in the database, but without a functional administrator, this is kinda hard..

Could someone help me get a working administrator section?
And when will the install guide contain the remaining sections, so people will get a working site or is it just me?

Re: Where to get a complete and working copy?
  • 2004/12/17 10:33

  • zokdok

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 14

  • Since: 2004/12/10

I downloaded the 'full' package of XOOPS So your assumption, although safe, was incorrect (wish it was correct ;) )

But I will look into the theme library link today, hopefully it will work and I can see a login block and get into the administration.

Where to get a complete and working copy?
  • 2004/12/16 23:44

  • zokdok

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 14

  • Since: 2004/12/10

I was wondering if there is also a working copy to be obtained...

With some sort of default site, just so I can test this.

I tried installing it, but I only get a half empty page
( http://www.macadelic.nl/xoops_screenshot.jpg ).

No error messages whatsoever in the console... I also tried setting the smarty use_sub_dir setting to false (as that should be the default when safe_mode is enabled, and that should be).
And I also tried it with the latest Smarty version.. but to no luck...

Or do I have to manually install a theme or something?

thanks in advance.

Re: How to login to new and fresh install?
  • 2004/12/11 8:17

  • zokdok

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 14

  • Since: 2004/12/10

(double post - dismiss this post... how can I delete it?)

Re: How to login to new and fresh install?
  • 2004/12/11 8:13

  • zokdok

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 14

  • Since: 2004/12/10

I also tried some other browsers, no difference...
During installation, I set all the chmods as needed, all was well...

It looks to me that the XOOPS package is not complete...

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