Re: post count

then lower your rank targets! or just costomise your forums so that they can edit their own rank or status from their profile.

if a user of my forum was posting for the hell of getting a higher post count and i had to delete their content, they shouldn't abuse the forums!, they shouldn't be bothered about loosing post count!.. other people can get knarked about that form of behaviour and is it a popularity contect on a forum?.

Re: Can

They may be some people reading these forums who have been able to log into "YOURSITE", but who can't seem to post anything. Until yesterday, I saw "Could not insert forum post" or "Errors: None" when I tried to post, so I'm sharing the solution I found to it.

If you've been getting the same error messages, it's likely you're behind a firewall which blocks the HTTP_referrer. I use Norton and I didn't know that it does this by default, which basically means that it won't let the rest of "YOURSITE" remember that you've already been to log in.

In Norton, you can correct it by going to the following:

> Norton Internet Security
> Options
> Web content (tab)
> Add Site (http://www."YOURSITE".net)

You'll probably see that each of the Global Settings is permitted, except for "Information about visited sites". So set that button to "permit" and click OK.

As long as your other settings are correct, you should then be able to post. If anyone has had similar problems behind another brand of firewall, it may be useful to others if you post your solution here :)

Re: newbb and custom sessions

it happened to me on this site last night too!.

i always tend to write long posts in text files and copy paste then to the forums! but then XOOPS is the only forum i have seen with a time limit!, just that once i was writing directly to the forum!.. kinda annoying because i lost my post and took me too long to write first time to be bothered doing it all again.

Re: Forum fullscreen

glad to have been helpful to you! nice to see it working.

any one else with the same problem it lied here in the code.

<tr> <{if $xoops_lblocks}>
td rowspan="2" valign="top" id="leftcolumn"
item=block from=$xoops_lblocks}> <{include file="CHANGE THIS TO YOUR THEME NAME/theme_blockleft.html"}> 

and set all blocks configs to top page or selected module pages.

dont forget to reload your page too

Re: Forum fullscreen

looking at the source there is nothing wrong, not that i can see.

all i can think of is that, if you go back to admin/blocks... check the little box at the top so it onoly displayes the blocks that are visable... default it will show all!. saves trauling through unused items.
Some thing in one of the groups must be there still as shown in the forums!. you have a column! if there were no blocks then the column wouldnt be there.

must be some thing missed.

Have you updated your template files?.. check them. admin/system/templates/
are you running a clone template as your forum theme is modified.

Re: Forum fullscreen

your problem lies here:
<td id="leftcolumn">



and should be:

<td id="leftcolumn">

item=block from=$xoops_lblocks}>
table cellspacing="0">
tr><td class="blockTitle"><center><{$block.title}>center>td>tr>
tr><td class="blockContent"><{$block.content}>td>tr>


so go back to your theme.html file and paste that back in!

im on msn or yahoo right now if you want quicker answers, while im still alive at this hour of the morning!.

international_smuggler @ hotmail or yahoo dot com.

Re: Forum fullscreen

ok so that simply cuts to the chase.

ok ignore *most* of my above post!.

So you have all of your right blocks displayed on the top page only!.

You wish to only display the LEFT ones on the TOP PAGE too! correct.

Goto your blocks admin and edit all the blocks that are set visable. Default it will show all blocks for registered users so do those first!, you will have to edit each indevidually and set them all to top page.

Do the same to Annonymous Group blocks and the same for Admin/webmaster blocks *any other groups you may have created*.
I know its long winded but its the only way to do what you want.

Check you template/forum/index.html and that it is set to 100% width like in my previous post.

That will save you editing any part of your theme.html file and your LEFT and RIGHT blocks will show on the top page.

Still i think if your forum is going to get used then maybe editing in some navigation functions in the forum pages, like short cuts for BACK TO TOP OF PAGE links will be handy for users, as i said if i was reading a thread that had 20 replies and i had to scroll all the way to the top of the page to find my way out, i would probably not bother A: reading and B: posting.

That is just my opinion! so dont hate me and i hope that sorts out your problem.

Re: Need Help with MySQL syntax to merge two xoops_user tables









"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
title>conversion scripttitle>head><body>";

echo "
<font color=blue><b> ** Converting Database **<br>";

$link = mysql_connect($dbServer$dbUser$dbPass) or die("Could not connectcheck your DB settings");
echo "
** Connected successfully **font>b><p>";

//Function to delete records from the DB
function DeleteRecords(
$tbname) {
$sql = "DELETE FROM ".$tbname;
$result = mysql_query($sql);
    if (!
$result) echo(" delete from $tbname didn't work
 -  Broken SQL = $sql

//Perform table actions
function DoTable($delete, $sql, $tbname) {
echo "Moving ".$tbname." table
if ($delete) DeleteRecords($tbname);
    $result1 = mysql_query($sql);
    if (!$result1)    
        echo(" - $tbname incomplete
 -  Broken SQL = $sql

// Do the users table - exclude any user that would overwrite XOOPS admin'
function BuildUserTable()  {
$dsql "DELETE FROM ".$toDB.".".$toPrefix."_users WHERE uid>1";
$sql "INSERT INTO ".$toDB.".".$toPrefix."_users (SELECT name, uname, email, url, user_avatar, user_regdate, user_icq, user_from, user_sig, user_viewemail, actkey, user_aim, user_yim, user_msnm, pass, posts, attachsig, rank, level, theme, timezone_offset, last_login, umode, uorder, notify_method, notify_mode, user_occ, bio, user_intrest, user_mailok FROM 2ND_XOOPSDBTABLE_USERS)
        (SELECT name, uname, email, url, user_avatar, user_regdate, user_icq, user_from, user_sig, user_viewemail, actkey, user_aim, user_yim, user_msnm, pass, posts, attachsig, rank, level, theme, timezone_offset, last_login, umode, uorder, notify_method, notify_mode, user_occ, bio, user_intrest, user_mailok FROM YOUR_XOOPSDBTABLE_USERS)
        FROM "
.$fromDB.".".$fromPrefix."_users WHERE ".$fromDB.".".$fromPrefix."_users.user_id > '1'";
$date_array = array('Jan' => '01',
'Feb' => '02',
'Mar' => '03',
'Apr' => '04',
'May' => '05',
'Jun' => '06',
'Jul' => '07',
'Aug' => '08',
'Sep' => '09',
'Oct' => '10',
'Nov' => '11',
'Dec' => '12');
$msql "SELECT user_id,user_regdate FROM ".$fromDB.".".$fromPrefix."_users WHERE user_id>1";
$result mysql_query($msql);
" - Update Regdate failed! ");
$regdate str_replace(',','',$regdate);
$var explode(' ',$regdate);
$newdate mktime(0,0,0,$date_array[$var[0]],$var[1],$var[2]);
$rsql "UPDATE ".$toDB.".".$toPrefix."_users SET user_regdate='$newdate' WHERE uid='$uid'";
$result1 mysql_query($rsql);
" - Update Regdate failed! ");


echo "

** Disconnected **
"If you see any errors on this page, I recommend that you 
adjust whatever is causing the errors and rerun this script. One thing that you REALLY need to think 
about is setting the "
buildusertable" to "0" so that you won't over write the XOOPS admin stuff. Use 
the table conversion at your own risk!!!"


That should work but i dont have a test serve to test it right now.

Obviously you will change your database settings through out the script that i have made in CPAITALS.

This is just a modified "bd_csmc" nuke to XOOPS SQL migration script.

Your will see i have modified it to migrate one user table from one XOOPS DB to another user table from your other XOOPS DB.
Im not entirely sure what you are doing, if it is just to migrate one user table to another then this should work but dont do it on a live site... i dont want to be held accountable for that one!.
The orgional script i had to modify to port my users table so i know that it worked for me, but with out testing this script, i dont know!.. i looks ok! as far as the code goes.

I hope that will help you or atleast give some one with way more knowledge than i have a better chance at getting you your users.


They may be some people reading these forums who have been able to log into YOURSITE, but who can't seem to post anything. Until yesterday, I saw "Could not insert forum post" or "Errors: None" when I tried to post, so I'm sharing the solution I found to it.

If you've been getting the same error messages, it's likely you're behind a firewall which blocks the HTTP_referrer. I use Norton and I didn't know that it does this by default, which basically means that it won't let the rest of YOURSITE remember that you've already been to log in.

In Norton, you can correct it by going to the following:

> Norton Internet Security
> Options
> Web content (tab)
> Add Site (http://www.YOURSITE.net)

You'll probably see that each of the Global Settings is permitted, except for "Information about visited sites". So set that button to "permit" and click OK.

As long as your other settings are correct, you should then be able to post. If anyone has had similar problems behind another brand of firewall, it may be useful to others if you post your solution here :)

Re: Forum fullscreen

damn XOOPS logged me out when i hit submit! that sucks... so now reply like i had just typed.

so in short... if you remove

<{if $xoops_lblocks}>
<{foreach item=block from=$xoops_lblocks}>




from your theme.html file you will loose your left blocks globally accross your site. Is that what you want?

You have options here though!
1: left blocks in a menu in the header!
2: left blocks in a JS file so that they scroll the page as you do and pop out when mouse rolls over. i have these files and can help you if you want them.. drop me an email if you do.
3: You could set up another XOOPS site and run the SUBSITE module available and just install the XOOPS core files with forum and subsite modules and point the subsite to your main sites DB and tell the module which SQL tables to display to the sub site.
This way you could have just your forums running full width.
*much hassle and means your using server space and IMHO would spoil a site.*

it's your site, i dont think there is any possible way to just display the forum module with out left blocks other than to remove them globally.

hope that helps.

(1) 2 3 »


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