Re: Surpass Hosting - "Friends are not forever" or "Babuschka syndrom"
  • 2004/5/21 21:52

  • HostDime

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 2

  • Since: 2004/5/21


very good question, the hosting plans / reseller plans are usually always geared towards web hosting / streaming pre-recorded medi / database work.

With shared hosting enviroments most companies won't allow for clients to run applications such as teamspeak.

it would create a bigger server resource use and possibly create overload on the server. Also it would be unfair to the other users on the server who may only be using the server for website /email.

For such applications going dedicated server would be the best option.

you get 100% full root access and you install virtually anything you want.

Game servers such as counter strike
Shoutcast for radio streaming and video

Hope this info helps best of luck on your business endeavors


Re: Surpass Hosting - "Friends are not forever" or "Babuschka syndrom"
  • 2004/5/21 18:48

  • HostDime

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 2

  • Since: 2004/5/21


We appreciate your research and comments. I would like to Clear some things up if I may.

HostDime Is the parent company Started Business in Dec 2001 and domain was registered in Jan 2002
Surpass Is a subsidary of the parent company with it's own management.
HostDime Purchased Servercove to exand more into the dedicated Server Market.
VirtueHosting is not affilated with Any hostdime subsidaries. Virtuehosting is client of hostdime. Virtue rents dedicated servers from HostDime

SurpassHosting Has not asked XOOPS for any partnership. Surpas merely made a donation to the XOOPS community to give back to the community.

As a newly registered member here I can't figure out still how your concern is mainly about partnerships of XOOPS with web host's.

We are a diversified company who has many subsidary companies to offer services to varios markets. I do not see where this is seen upon to be wrong.

We are not resellers of anyone nor is Surpass Nor is HostDime

We operate our own data center owned by us 100%
How many other web host's can say that?

Regarding your questions about the data center

DimeNoc 111 North Orange Ave, Orlando FL 32801
80% of our servers reside here

We have our main company server off network with rackspace in case we ever do have a network issue we can still communicate with our clients. We do plan on worst
case scenario as we do care about communicating with our clients in case something does happen

Nac Data center was where we grew from. Our first 50 servers were located at nac and we still have some servers there as we move about 2 a week down to DimeNoc

I can appreciate your concerns as possibly a prespective client and I hope I have cleared all your doubts.

Why have different companies? Simple we have a business plan to target all kind of budget hosting clients. This is very common, Just like cars toyota = lexus, cars are very similar in look and in service, but the price difference is one of the main differences.

Sam's Club = Walmart

I just don't see how this is seen as "shady"
We apologize if we have present ourselves in a way which can be misleading, those are sure not our intentions so please do accept our apologies.

We have come from a long road, and yes we have had bumps as we grew, but that has only made us a better company. We learned from mistakes we made ourselves. One thing for sure is that we are not a new company, we excel in our level of expertise from a technical, business, and financial standpoint. We have managed to have one of the best prices in the market because we have strived to get the best prices from our bandwidth providors. We simply pass long the savings to you. We are a 100% profitable company since 2002 with hosting more then 50,000 domains world wide I sincerly hope you can give us the chance to prove ourselves to anyone who can pass our roads.

We have tremendous pride in our growth and will continue to give the best level of service which has only been learned from years of experience. We may not be perfect but we will always truely strive to do our best and we do sincerely mean that

if anyone has any questions or doubts please do give me a call personally

Manny > 407-426-7844

The one thing we would hate to accomplish is lies and shadiness.



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