"Most Users Online" block?
  • 2004/4/7 4:18

  • dscg

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 9

  • Since: 2002/6/7 8

Does anyone know if there is a block available anywhere that will display the "most users online" history?

This is similar to the information that appears in the bottom of many vBulletin forums.


$xoopsMailer->setFromEmail does not set "from" address
  • 2003/12/21 9:44

  • dscg

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  • Posts: 9

  • Since: 2002/6/7 8

For example in the contact module, no matter what email address the user enters in the form, the email the admin receives always has the admins email address in the "from". It should have the users email address per the code...


So when the admin tries to reply to the email, he ends up replying to himself.

Does anyone know what is wrong?

Re: Getting variables from url for use in a block ?!?
  • 2003/10/14 17:07

  • dscg

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 9

  • Since: 2002/6/7 8

In your function, try changing
global $xoopsDB;

to this
global $xoopsDB$HTTP_GET_VARS;

Re: Search page expires when using browser back button
  • 2003/1/28 22:07

  • dscg

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  • Posts: 9

  • Since: 2002/6/7 8

No argument that it is not difficult to open a new window, but the point is that the way it works now reduces the usability of the search result pages. Opening a new window will require extra clicks or an extra keypress to search the site. My browser is using default settings, so anybody using IE6 will have the same hassles.

Here's my suggestions:

1: Fix the search page result page so that it behaves similar to XOOPS 1.3.8. This means that the search results page doesn't expire when I click on one of the results.

Maybe this cannot be done because of the "post/get" usage in the search form. If so, then at least do this...

2. Open a new browser window for me when I click on a link in the search results by adding a target='_blank' to the tag.

I'm just trying to save myself and other users the hassle of using extra hands or extra clicks to search a Xoops2 site.

Search page expires when using browser back button
  • 2003/1/28 20:44

  • dscg

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 9

  • Since: 2002/6/7 8

Noticed another quirky behavior on the search page. The search page expires when using the back button.

For example:
- enter search term "html" and submit
- results show up on search.php
- click on one of the links to view the page
- hit the browser back button to see the search results again
- browser gives me the "Warning - Page has expired" message
- need to refresh page to view search results

This warning seems to happen on the xoops.org running Xoops2. I am able to get back to the search results on my own website running 1.3.8 without refreshing.

Not a major problem, but more of a pain in the butt, since I have to refresh the search results page everytime I hit the back button.

2 Common Registration/Password Problems
  • 2002/9/3 22:53

  • dscg

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  • Posts: 9

  • Since: 2002/6/7 8

Hello All,

I have experience with a several hundred registered users on my XOOPS site now. My site is geared to the general public, so my users are not "technical" users. I just wanted to share the 2 most common problems I have with registrations and my suggestions for improvements in future XOOPS releases...

1. Wrong email address entered. This is the biggest problem. For some reason, a lot of people enter the wrong email address. Sometimes they precede it with www like http://www.name@domain.com. Or sometimes the just leave out a letter or two.

Probably if there was a "verify email" field on the registration form, like with passwords, the number of email address typos could be reduced.

2. Many of my users use AOL. The link in emails from XOOPS does not work in the AOL email program. This should be checked out and fixed. This applies to activation emails and forgot password emails.

I realize that you could just copy and paste the link into a browser, but a small fraction of my users even have problems doing that.

Re: Browser cache causing many problems?
  • 2002/7/21 6:13

  • dscg

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  • Posts: 9

  • Since: 2002/6/7 8

I found the no-cache HTTP header commands for the browser not to cache pages in the header.php file in the XOOPS main directory. So browsers should not cache any XOOPS page that include the root header.php file.

However, there are instances where you may call the redirect_header() function BEFORE including the header.php file in the root directory. This commonly occurs when you check if the user is logged in at the start of your module code like this Quote:
if ( !$xoopsUser ) {redirect_header(...)}

include $xoopsConfig['xoops_url']."/header.php";
... continue with the module code...

The problem is that the redirect_header() function does not have the HTTP no-cache commands. Therefore, the browser caches the redirect page. This has caused me many problems with users not being able to access pages even when they have permission to do so.

My suggestion would be to include the PHP header() function with the no-cache and expire commands in the redirect_header() function as well.

Otherwise, you will need to go through all the files to makes sure that $xoopsConfig['$xoops_url']."/header.php" appear before your redirect_header() call to avoid browser cache problems.

Re: Browser cache causing many problems?
  • 2002/6/14 7:06

  • dscg

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 9

  • Since: 2002/6/7 8

I don't know if your problem has been solved, but I've also had many problems with that damn "Sorry..." message.

What I've found during my testing of XOOPS is that the browser is caching the "Sorry..." redirect page and I have to force the browser to refresh the page to make things work right.

For example, consider this scenario...
1. I set anonymous user permissions to the contacts module to off.
2. I logout and try to access the contacts module and get the old "Sorry, you don't have permissions..." message. Good so far.
3. Now I log back in and change the anonymous user permissions to the contacts module to on.
4. I logout and try to access the contacts module and still I get the "Sorry..." message. Not so good anymore.
5. Now, if I try to access the contacts module again, and I immediately press the browser refresh button before the browser can redirect me, I can get to the conacts module.

I think this browser caching issue is causing a lot of the problems that people are attributing to cookies. Also caching may be the cause of problems where it "appears" that updated settings are not taking effect.

Possible solutions to this may be to add a line to the page headers to prevent caching. Either...






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