Hello All,
I have experience with a several hundred registered users on my XOOPS site now. My site is geared to the general public, so my users are not "technical" users. I just wanted to share the 2 most common problems I have with registrations and my suggestions for improvements in future XOOPS releases...
1. Wrong email address entered. This is the biggest problem. For some reason, a lot of people enter the wrong email address. Sometimes they precede it with www like
http://www.name@domain.com. Or sometimes the just leave out a letter or two.
Probably if there was a "verify email" field on the registration form, like with passwords, the number of email address typos could be reduced.
2. Many of my users use AOL. The link in emails from XOOPS does not work in the AOL email program. This should be checked out and fixed. This applies to activation emails and forgot password emails.
I realize that you could just copy and paste the link into a browser, but a small fraction of my users even have problems doing that.