2 Common Registration/Password Problems
  • 2002/9/3 22:53

  • dscg

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 9

  • Since: 2002/6/7 8

Hello All,

I have experience with a several hundred registered users on my XOOPS site now. My site is geared to the general public, so my users are not "technical" users. I just wanted to share the 2 most common problems I have with registrations and my suggestions for improvements in future XOOPS releases...

1. Wrong email address entered. This is the biggest problem. For some reason, a lot of people enter the wrong email address. Sometimes they precede it with www like http://www.name@domain.com. Or sometimes the just leave out a letter or two.

Probably if there was a "verify email" field on the registration form, like with passwords, the number of email address typos could be reduced.

2. Many of my users use AOL. The link in emails from XOOPS does not work in the AOL email program. This should be checked out and fixed. This applies to activation emails and forgot password emails.

I realize that you could just copy and paste the link into a browser, but a small fraction of my users even have problems doing that.

Re: 2 Common Registration/Password Problems
  • 2002/9/3 23:49

  • netwize

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 89

  • Since: 2002/1/20

I would like to add

perhaps have a second page which displays what the user has entered. Let him review if all info are correct, if they are, then press 'submit' , if not, go back and correct or correct rite there before submitting.

also, some people use an incorrect email on purpose just sign up for something.

it would be cool to have a message stating that must be a valid email because an activation will be send to that email

this might reduce mistyped or purposeful intent

Re: 2 Common Registration/Password Problems
  • 2002/9/4 1:51

  • felix9x

  • Just popping in

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  • Since: 2002/8/24

This problem can be solved with two approaches the way i see it.

First Display the email address in big red letters on the confirmation screen so the user will surely see it mistyped and correct it by going back. This is a quick hack that requires very little change to code. Unfortunaly you still get those people that are internet illiterate and barely use email. My friend who runs and internet company had this problem. There is nothing you can do except to manualy check unactivated accounts and possibly guess what the spelling error is. You can even Im them if they provided that.

Second do not require email activation. Unless your website is designed to be specificaly for annonymity like mp3 downloading (just hypothetical) I dont think that you would want anyone signing up anyway without a valid email account. Some people are that boared and will make fake accounts. The quality of your comunity goes down if people are making bunch of different account for themselves in order to have multiple identities or they might never come to your site again after signing up.

What would be real cool if there was a admin setting like 1-require email activation 2-activate immediatly 3-activate manualy by admins. That requires a bit of a redesign to the system and it would be up to the developers of XOOPS to decide if they want to put effort into that. Most communities would choose you to have a valid email.

Re: 2 Common Registration/Password Problems
  • 2002/9/4 10:32

  • netwize

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 89

  • Since: 2002/1/20

I only want valid email activation only, hence I do get lots of bogus accounts that are not activated.

I then have to go and manually delete them.


I want a idle time for user to activate or the system will auto delete their accounts ..

Re: 2 Common Registration/Password Problems
  • 2002/9/4 14:07

  • onokazu

  • XOOPS Founder

  • Posts: 617

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felix9x wrote:

What would be real cool if there was a admin setting like 1-require email activation 2-activate immediatly 3-activate manualy by admins. That requires a bit of a redesign to the system and it would be up to the developers of XOOPS to decide if they want to put effort into that. Most communities would choose you to have a valid email.

Yes, i really like those options to be included in XOOPS too, and will be in the next release

Re: 2 Common Registration/Password Problems
  • 2002/9/4 14:10

  • onokazu

  • XOOPS Founder

  • Posts: 617

  • Since: 2001/12/13


netwize wrote:


I want a idle time for user to activate or the system will auto delete their accounts ..

That may be a little hard for now, but its on our to-do list

Re: 2 Common Registration/Password Problems
  • 2002/9/23 13:31

  • dreamgear

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 78

  • Since: 2002/7/18

Anyone have any idea how to fix the problem where the links are not clickable by AOL users ?

What does one have to do to generate a link that will be valid for AOL users ?

I'd rather ignore the idiots :) but some of them are "valued customer".

Re: 2 Common Registration/Password Problems
  • 2003/11/14 11:29

  • xgarb

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 154

  • Since: 2003/3/30

assuming XOOPS 2.05..

tutorial on this page...


so I added to register.tpl (additions in bold) ....

To become a member of {SITENAME}, please confirm your
request by clicking on the link below:



If you have trouble with the link please copy and paste it into your browser.

Don't have AOL to test it however.


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