Re:cookbook recipe maker
  • 2004/11/27 9:28

  • fredriksk

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  • Posts: 9

  • Since: 2004/5/10

Add me to the people that want to se this module become a module...

Re:turn of popup menu in admin section
  • 2004/11/16 21:21

  • fredriksk

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 9

  • Since: 2004/5/10

thanks, that helped...

it may be cool to have the submenu items pop up like that but to me it´s just annoing...

The rest of XOOPS admin sektion, I like though...

phpBB -> admin index [klick] = error
  • 2004/11/16 21:14

  • fredriksk

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 9

  • Since: 2004/5/10

I´m using XOOPS v2.0 and now I´m trying to install the phpBB v1.12 module.

I uploaded the files accordning to the Readme file. But then I got an error saying someting about:
------- 8< ---------
Call to undefined function get() in file include/common.php...
------- 8< ---------

So I uploaded the original common.php file again, overwriting the one that came with phpBB. Now my site worked again. Now I chmod the directorys according to the readme file and installed the phpBB board in the admin section. It installed without errors (table structure and all...) no errors.

Then I clicked on the [forum Index] link in admin section. The BB apears saying that there is no current forum avaliable... seems to be working then...

But now for the problem:
When I klick on [Admin index] in admin section for the first time I get this:

------- 8< ---------
Updating groups user table... done.
Can use with your own board.;)
------- 8< ---------

And nothing else...

If I go back to admin mode and klick on the [admin index] again I get a:

"The page cannot be displayed"

If I check if the file exist in my FTP client. The file exist...

So what do I do wrong?

pical how do I make holidy event?
  • 2004/11/15 13:11

  • fredriksk

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  • Since: 2004/5/10

Ok. Just installed the pical module and it looks very nice. But how do I mark a day as an holiday? (like sundays are?). I have noticed that somedays are marked as halidays by default (like christmas day etc). But In sweden we have more holidays and I want theese to show up to.

Now, I have googled the net for icalendar+swedish+holidays and have found som files that I have uploaded with the admin Icalendar I/O. But thease files create events like the ones my users can make. I just want the days (background and date) to turn up red.

How do I do this?

genealogy module
  • 2004/11/15 7:33

  • fredriksk

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  • Posts: 9

  • Since: 2004/5/10

Hello all!

I´m using XOOPS as a personal portal for my family and relatives. It would be a nice feature for a genealogy module.

You should be able to lock changes to one user in it. Anyone feeling up to it?

Re:turn of popup menu in admin section
  • 2004/10/12 7:35

  • fredriksk

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  • Posts: 9

  • Since: 2004/5/10

Ok, this question may not belong in the beginners corner so any moderator, feel free to move this thread.

What corefile should I edit to turn popup off? I know a bit php so I´m not afraid to temper with the code. Just point me to the file...

And by the way. This forum is by far the most alive one of all portalsystems out there!

Re:hide submenu items for anonomus users in mainmenu
  • 2004/10/11 20:16

  • fredriksk

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  • Since: 2004/5/10


Can I remove the subitem "post an article" from the main menu all together then?

hide submenu items for anonomus users in mainmenu
  • 2004/10/11 16:35

  • fredriksk

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  • Since: 2004/5/10

Just fought of anoter question

Can you hide submenu choices in mainmenu?

I´m letting anonomus users (that havn´t loged in yet) view news. But I don´t want them to se the submit news that is indented under news in the main menu. I have already seen to that they can´t submit news but I don´t want the alternative to submit news to be visiable in the main menu to non-loged in users.

(Users and admins should be able to see this choice in the menu though)

turn of popup menu in admin section
  • 2004/10/11 16:30

  • fredriksk

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 9

  • Since: 2004/5/10

Can you turn of the popup menu in admin section? I think it "gets in the way" and I like to klick on the menu items to display all subcategorys in the window on the right instead.



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