Re: Blocks Buttons and Tigers - Oh My
  • 2004/4/15 23:59

  • oneil

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 2

  • Since: 2004/4/14

Thanks Herko you rock.

This gives me direction. I realize now that I should have narrowed my question because I was asking for the moon. <g> I will tell you that I decided to use XOOPS over some other platforms based on the openess of this site and the feedback people receive. Kudos to you and your peers for trying to make it easy!!!

I printed out the 'Visual Intro' and downloaded the IMenus mod. I also intend on buying a 'Script for Idiots' book - but I would much rather have the comprehensive 'xoops for fools'. Why don't you get on that - I'll keep checking B&N.

If anyone else has comments for me - I'll take anything you got!

Thanks again for being a great partner!

Blocks Buttons and Tigers - Oh My
  • 2004/4/15 19:04

  • oneil

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 2

  • Since: 2004/4/14

Looked for my answer and played with things - still feel like an idiot to be asking, but here goes:

How do I create new Buttons and move them between Blocks. I am completely new to this and don't know boo about writing script/html. NICE! So, I figured out how to 'install' Modules on the defult theme, and I see that a cooresponding button is automatically created and placed in the Main Menu. Perfect. But can I take those buttons and move them to a custom made block? My little brain works on a 'drag and drop' mentality. Is there some magical Template that will automate button/page creation?

If that babble made no sense try this one on,
-How do I move an existing button from one block to another.
-How do I create a custom button that would open a blank window. By blank window i mean - when I hit the HOME button I have a blank page that I can fill with blocks. Is there an automated way to dulpicate the HOME button, i.e., create a custom button and drop it in a block with all the backend scripting done for me?

I don't know if I am missing something or if I am asking for the moon.

Everyone point and laugh at the new guy,



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