1/ put in modules/xfsection/include the file "data.inc.php" given by the RSS mod. package
2/ if XFsection is not supported by this mod (I haven't checked) adapt the SQL queries to xfsection tables
3/ upload rss package include files and images into XOOPS-ROOT-PATH/include and images
4/ change the array line 41 in rss.php to values you want (which modules need rss syndication, in your case -> xfsection + whatever you want)
5/ upload rss.php into XOOPS root folder
6/ put the RSS.png image link where you want on your site, and make it a link to rss.php
7/ anyone who wants to syndicate your info will use http://www.yourdomain.com/rss.php into his RSS reader and will give back your xfsection infos
that's it
clear enough ?