Re: Java Classes and Xoops Integration
  • 2004/3/26 6:59

  • eikke

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Cant you write the whole frontend in PHP, and interact with your Java backend using SOAP/WSDL or XML/RPC (altough I guess SOAP is a better choice in this case)?

Re: PhpSurveyor
  • 2004/3/22 9:03

  • eikke

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First of all: the CVS version you can find on my website will not be updated anymore, because I moved to the XMDT. Newest development releases will be aviable in the XMDT SourceForge repository.

About file locations: I changed a lot of the original filelayout of PSV to become more Xoops-compliant, changed all references to replaced files too off course
I don't know what the problem is in your installation, I can get the first question of each survey...
Won't look at it either, because of the rewrite.

If someone is intrested in joining this project, don't hesitate to register at dev.xoops.org and join the 'xsurvey' project I'd love it (to get some experience, woiuld be my first multi-developer project )

Regards, Ikke

Re: PhpSurveyor
  • 2004/3/20 17:20

  • eikke

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Auch, someone installed it already :)
That's not really what *should* happen, because this module isnt finished at all, let me say, its just started in fact :)
Anyway: could it be you get that blank page because no sid is given? Try to get your survey like this: first of all check the sid of the survey you want to test (go into the admin panel, and check the direct link to the survey). then go to http://www.yourdomain.com/modules/xsurvey/?sid=[sid], replace [sid] with the correct number. As I already said, you won't be able to complete the survey (bug somewhere). I joined the XMDT, awaiting my appliance, could make development quicker. You will get an error page (something in header.php)

About the layout: I wont touch that now. Please read the 'WARNING' file in CVS. Almost every pice of HTML is coded inside the php scripts, I'm going to rebuild everything almost from scratch, one of the changes will be putting every question type in a separate template, so you can (when the module gets finished) chenged the appereance yourself where necessary.

Regards, Ikke

Re: What would you recommend is the best galary module?
  • 2004/3/19 15:42

  • eikke

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I'm also attempting to keep exact track of all the changes I am making and plan on providing those (search and replace statements) as well as a listing of all the files added or deleted from the core Coppermine install.

Re: PhpSurveyor
  • 2004/3/18 12:46

  • eikke

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*oopz* anon access used to be enabled, but I reinstalled the module lately, thats why its disabled now. Enabling it right away... Sorry

Re: PhpSurveyor
  • 2004/3/18 8:59

  • eikke

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Anyone wanting to lend a hand on this? I'm opposed to some problems, and don't know what they're related to (something in XOOPS_ROOT_DIR."/header.php" etc, undefined variables, calls to members of a non-object,...
You can see the error if you try to complete th test survey on http://gao.eikke.com/modules/xsurvey/?sid=1. If anyone knows what causes this...
Maybe I could take this to dev.xoops.org? People over there should be able to help me a lot

Regards, Ikke

Re: ABCs of PHP App to Module Development?
  • 2004/3/17 20:56

  • eikke

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A - Get to learn the XOOPS API's (Database, users, modules,...). Also see S
C - CVS can save your life
D - Database: convert every database call to one using $xoopsDB
I - Include mainfile.php on every user page
P - Turn PHP debugging mode on
S - Read the source code of other modules (I liked mylinks a lot) to learn the API and basics of XOOPS modules (basics and more of course)
T - Try to use templates if possible
X - XOOPS Control Panel: very easy to integrate the original app's control panel in Xoops': just got to insert xoops_cp_header() and xoops_cp_footer() where appropriate

Got to get some sleep now, will think about this

Re: PhpSurveyor
  • 2004/3/16 9:33

  • eikke

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I chose phpSurveyor because I liked it more than phpESP, don't ask me why, just tried to do one sample survey with both (and saw the admin screen of PSV), and took my decission :)
The author is a very nice guy, always responds quickly on questions I have etc...
The only problem I face is updating my files when a new version of the 'original' PSV is released If anyone knows how to do that quickly (not manually)...

As said, you can take a look at the current project status in my CVS on http://www.eikke.com.

I'm facing some problems at the moment (someting with header.php, when trying to get the surveys themselves integrated in the XOOPS UI), will take a look at it, or maybe just drop the whole PSV UI system and start the whole UI thing from scratch, using Smarty templates integrated in Xoops. Not shure yet...

Greetz, Ikke

Re: PhpSurveyor
  • 2004/3/14 14:11

  • eikke

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Problem: I just saw a new version of phpSurveyor has been released yesterday.
Now my question is: how can I merge this new version into the changes I already made in rc7?

Any help would be veeerryyyy appreciated :) This is my first real port of an application to XOOPS (already did soms modules from scratch before)

Thanks a lot!!!

Re: PhpSurveyor
  • 2004/3/12 14:33

  • eikke

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  • Posts: 40

  • Since: 2004/1/15

I got it started. Incorporated a little in the admin menu, everything still using the standard database calls, no xoops-integration yet. Nor user integration and all the stuff, just some basic things (filelayout etc)
You can see everything in my CVS, http://www.eikke.com (choose CVS in the menu)

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