Re: The perfectly released XOOPS Module

Hello, I know this is a one year old post. But I am trying to add a ticket category function to this module, where can I get all these documentations?

Edit : Sorry, didn't realize the docs are in the module all the time.

Re: TAD News

Got it , Thank you :)

xhelp Email Receiving

Hello everyone, I am trying to configure my xHelp module to receive email on my ubuntu 10.10 machine. I followed the instructions and done many settings but it still doesn't work. My Xoops version is 2.5.0 and my xHelp version is 0.80

The instructions I followed are as follow:

Email Ticket Submission:
To configure email ticket submission some additional steps are
necessary. First you need to create a POP3 email account for each
department that will receive email. Next, go to "Manage Departments" in the xhelp Admin Panel. Next, edit the department you wish to hold the newly created tickets. Next, Add a new mailbox to monitor:

Mailbox Type - currently the only option is POP3.
Server - DNS name of mail server (get from your hosting provider)
Port - Mail Service Port Number. For POP3 this is usually 110.
Username - Username to access mailbox (get from your hosting provider)
Password - Password to access mailbox (also get from your hosting provider)
Default Ticket Priority - Adjust default priority for incoming tickets.
Reply-To Email Address - the email address for this account. Used for
handling replies (responses) to tickets.

Repeat this process for each mailbox you wish to monitor.

Once all mailboxes , you need to setup a scheduled task or a cron job to check these mailboxes on a regular basis.

For *nix machines the following crontab line should do the trick:
*/* * * * /usr/bin/wget -/dev/null -/dev/null -<XOOPS_URL>/modules/xhelp/checkemail.php

The above line will check all the configured mailboxes, every other minute.

TAD News


I'm using Tad news as a news module, and I want to show recent news in a block. I know there are existing blocks in Tad news which can show the title of the news, but what I want is not only the title of the news, but also the contents of the news. How can I do that?

Re: Check if is home page

Thanks jimmyx, you're the best :)

Check if is home page

Hello, I'm trying to check if the page is the home page, is there any variable to check for it?

Like <{if $xoops_showcblock == 1}> checks if the center block is shown, is there one for checking if the page is home page?



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