Re: Problems with 800x600 resolution
  • 2004/9/20 11:21

  • flyingtux

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 146

  • Since: 2004/9/6 1

I have the same problem question...
I use 1024x768 resolution, the theme is fiblack3d... I'd like to now how to set the center block as floating, being fixed the left and the right one

Re: Porting php4flicks to xoops?
  • 2004/9/20 10:37

  • flyingtux

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  • Posts: 146

  • Since: 2004/9/6 1

That sounds interesting...
But being not a programmer, I really have no idea of what to do!
Is that module/ports also interesting to you?
I'd love to see it as a XOOPS module...

Porting php4flicks to xoops?
  • 2004/9/19 19:07

  • flyingtux

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 146

  • Since: 2004/9/6 1

I've been asking for a movie database module for XOOPS few days ago. hsalazar has been very kind by answering and suggesting its new filmaker module:
Unfortunately, this is not what I really need. By searching the internet, I found a php applications which seems to be perfect:
Having no idea of where to start for realizing a porting of the module, I'd like to ask: is somebody interested in a thing like that? I hope so...
Anyway: how difficult would be to port this app as a XOOPS module?
Thanx in advance,

Re: WebMail2
  • 2004/9/19 16:08

  • flyingtux

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  • Posts: 146

  • Since: 2004/9/6 1

I was asking for a webmail module in a post some days ago. I tested almost all the module I found on the net, but they are all not working.
Although I'm not a programmer, I could help with testing if somebody wants to try fixing the webmail2 module.

Re: Movie DB Module
  • 2004/9/16 15:59

  • flyingtux

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  • Posts: 146

  • Since: 2004/9/6 1

When trying to install it returns this error:

Installing FilmMakers
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') TYPE=MyISAM' at line 6

My Internet Provider appear to run MySQL 4.0.20

I suppose I have to change this line, but don't know how yet.

Re: Movie DB Module
  • 2004/9/16 15:46

  • flyingtux

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 146

  • Since: 2004/9/6 1

Thanx a lot!
I just downloaded it: I'm gonna test it and give you feedback!

Re: Movie DB Module
  • 2004/9/16 14:55

  • flyingtux

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 146

  • Since: 2004/9/6 1

I haven't been able to find the file and actually don't know if ther's already one. Anyway: I'm running a website which has as main topic, the so called italian b-movies of the seventies. Now: there's a kind of revival on this issue, a lot of these movies are being republished/reprinted on dvd, etc. I'd like to have a module which allows me to create and mantain such a db: only the infos and, at least, cover images. No media files. No divx. Etc...
As long as i can understand, it would be nice something like that:
It seems yo be free and nice. I have no ideo of how to port it to xoops.
What do you suggest?

Movie DB Module
  • 2004/9/16 9:23

  • flyingtux

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 146

  • Since: 2004/9/6 1

I'd like to have a module to archive and query a list of movies, i.e: title, year, director, actors, cover_image. etc... Does it exist already? I'm not a programmer, but I'd like to know how difficult could be to build a new module or triyng to port something which already exists.

Webmail module
  • 2004/9/6 12:32

  • flyingtux

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 146

  • Since: 2004/9/6 1

I know this issue has been already discussed, but I'd like to ask whether somebody is developing/mantaing a working webmail module for xoops.
Basically, I found some which were not working at all and, this morning, by downloading the "XOOPS Brasilian Module Pack" I saw there was another one. looking at the code, those modules seems to be based on NOCC Webmail, which is, by the way, one of the best webmail sistem written in PHP I ever tried.
The module I'm looking for, doesn't have to provide registration and new mail account creation. I only need a user friendly interface to access the pop3 mail system, to read/write emails, etc...
If somebody knows about a module, I would appreciate any suggestion.

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