Has anyone gotten this to work correctly? I downloaded webmail2 from
http://gererstorfer.net and installed it on 206. I did find some suggested fixes in the forum on gererstorfer.net, but while they fixed one issue, now it seems more broken than ever.
If someone could get this working correctly, I think that it would be a "must have" module for a certain portion of the community. Other modules provide calendaring, to-do, and various other groupware functions, but as of now, we don't have a good webmail module.
From what I've seen, even in it's broken state, webmail2 could be that module, once the bugs are worked out.
If nobody has gotten it to work, I will contact the person who originally ported it to XOOPS to see if he has the interest and time to work out these issues. If not, I guess this could be my first attempt to give something back to the community.
