SMF Bridge Redirect Login?
  • 2007/4/27 5:32

  • BroHam

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 100

  • Since: 2007/3/31

Orstio must be rather busy with other matters right now, because I have a few small questions unanswered in a topic on the SMF site regarding the bridge. I don't want to take up his time with every question I have, so maybe someone else might have suggestions.

What I want to know is how I might be able to redirect the successful login (through the smf login block) to my homepage the same page that was used to login instead of it landing me on http: //www. myhomepage/modules/smf. I want the forum to be accessible but not the user's first stop after the login. This has nothing to do with Xoops' preferences for what module is set to homepage.

Is anyone familiar enough with the the SMF bridge (for XOOPS 2.0.15) to take a stab at this?

I don't know.

Re: Rare Xoops Jamroom MP3 site Needs YOUR Help
  • 2007/4/26 19:20

  • BroHam

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 100

  • Since: 2007/3/31

Yeah, I know it was 2 years ago, but I had hoped he may have still had a notification intact for the thread. Oh well. I had also seen his posts made on the Jamroom forum made around that time frame regarding XOOPS integration. Unfortunately, there was little else contributed by other Jamroom or XOOPS users.

You are right, it doesn't look like he is using XOOPS at all on his site.

I think I will give up on Jamroom integration, because the coding is over my head to do it myself, and bridges available for Jamroom do not actually integrate the login/logout function. Win some, lose some.
I don't know.

Re: Rare Xoops Jamroom MP3 site Needs YOUR Help
  • 2007/4/26 3:28

  • BroHam

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 100

  • Since: 2007/3/31

Are you still using XOOPS with Jamroom? I just installed Jamroom, and I would love to integrate it with Xoops, including login/logout. I recently got SMF wrapped and integrated with Xoops, and Jamroom would be sweet if it gets along with the other pieces of the puzzle.
I'd sure like to know how it went. I'll probably contact you later for tips or tricks you might share.
I don't know.

-RESOLVED- Re: PM and Reply not working with theme (fiblue3d
  • 2007/4/4 6:26

  • BroHam

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  • Posts: 100

  • Since: 2007/3/31

Thanks Bandit-X!
That was indeed my problem. Simple solution.
Thanks for your time.
I don't know.

  • 2007/4/3 23:53

  • BroHam

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  • Posts: 100

  • Since: 2007/3/31

I suppose my post was not up to par with expectations and so it is ignored?

I am sure someone knows the answer to my problem. Where o' where is that someone?
I don't know.

PM and Reply not working with theme (fiblue3d
  • 2007/4/1 4:23

  • BroHam

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  • Posts: 100

  • Since: 2007/3/31

I am still taking small steps to build my site, and I do not have it turned on, so I will leave out my url for the time being.
I am using XOOPS 2.0.16, and the default themes all work correctly. The theme fiblue3d, however, does not allow me to PM members. If I send test users a message through the system admin area, there is no way for users (or webmasters) to reply to messages in an inbox either.


SELECT * FROM test_config WHERE (conf_modid = '0' AND conf_catid = '1') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
SELECT sess_data FROM test_session WHERE sess_id = '50cb389d96f7df8cf37ba9d1e75fbdeb'
SELECT * FROM test_users WHERE uid=1
SELECT * FROM test_modules WHERE dirname = 'system'
DELETE FROM test_protector_access WHERE expire < UNIX_TIMESTAMP()
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_protector_access WHERE ip='69.***.***.**' AND request_uri='/modules/system/admin.php?fct=preferences'
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_protector_access WHERE ip='69.***.***.**'
INSERT INTO test_protector_access SET ip='69.***.***.**',request_uri='/modules/system/admin.php?fct=preferences',expire=UNIX_TIMESTAMP()+'60'
SELECT * FROM test_configcategory
SELECT * FROM test_group_permission WHERE (gperm_name = 'module_admin' AND gperm_modid = '1' AND (gperm_groupid = '1' OR gperm_groupid = '2'))
Total: 10 queries

I have a feeling this issue has a simple solution, but I have not been able to figure it out. So far, I have uninstalled and reinstalled repeatedly. I have tried several ways, including allowing modifications, cloning templates, and yes, clearing the cache and/or template_c(except the index file). I have also taken permissions into consideration. Nothing works. Is this a problem with a file? Do I need to alter a line in a file? pmlite.php, an index.php file? Or do I have to abandon the theme?

There is an easy fix, right? What am I missing? Thanks for any help.
I'm sorry if this is covered somewhere else on the site or one of the other XOOPS related sites. I have looked hard and found no answers.
I don't know.

Re: PM does not work!?
  • 2007/3/31 5:46

  • BroHam

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 100

  • Since: 2007/3/31

I have the same problem with a theme I have been using while building my site. Is there a way to resolve issues like this, or do I have to abandon the theme, since I do not know my php well enough to fix stuff myself.
I don't know.

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