SMF Bridge Redirect Login?
  • 2007/4/27 5:32

  • BroHam

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  • Posts: 100

  • Since: 2007/3/31

Orstio must be rather busy with other matters right now, because I have a few small questions unanswered in a topic on the SMF site regarding the bridge. I don't want to take up his time with every question I have, so maybe someone else might have suggestions.

What I want to know is how I might be able to redirect the successful login (through the smf login block) to my homepage the same page that was used to login instead of it landing me on http: //www. myhomepage/modules/smf. I want the forum to be accessible but not the user's first stop after the login. This has nothing to do with Xoops' preferences for what module is set to homepage.

Is anyone familiar enough with the the SMF bridge (for XOOPS 2.0.15) to take a stab at this?

I don't know.

Re: SMF Bridge Redirect Login?
  • 2007/4/29 0:18

  • jscorrea

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  • Posts: 29

  • Since: 2004/8/29


Im waiting for this solution, but im working too this

SMF Rules!



Re: SMF Bridge Redirect Login?

From the link you gave us I looked at the ziped file for XOOPS and see this code in smf_block_login.html
The area I put in red or bolded I would do some trial and error adjustments on.

Before doing anything I would go to the login page with my browser and do a 'save file as' on my desktop, including entire webpage. Then I would be assured of still having a means to login before making any changes. I would also compare the login source code here to see how it interpeted these variables. This should give a clue of what to hardwire in.


<form style="margin-top: 0px; " action="<{$xoops_url}>/modules/smf/index.php?action=[color=990000][b]login2[/b][/color]" method="post" [color=990000]name=[b]"frmLogin" id="frmLogin"[/b]>[/color]
$block.lang_username}><br />
input type="text" name="user" size="12" value="<{$block.unamevalue}>" maxlength="25" /><br />
$block.lang_password}><br />
input type="password" name="passwrd" size="12" maxlength="32" /><br />
b>Always stay logged in:b><br />
input type="checkbox" name="cookieneverexp" class="check" />

<input type="hidden" name="xoops_redirect" value=[b]"[color=990000]<{$xoops_requesturi}>"[/color] />[/b]
input type="hidden" name="op" value="login" />
input type="submit" value="<{$block.lang_login}>" /><br />
a href="<{$xoops_url}>/modules/smf/index.php?action=reminder"><{$block.lang_lostpass}>a>
br /><br />
a href="<{$xoops_url}>/modules/smf/index.php?action=register"><{$block.lang_registernow}>a>

Maybe someone else, with more coding ability can give you a more informed way to approach this but this is the best I can do...

Good Luck,
hhttps://xoops.org/modules/repository .. It is time to get involved - XOOPS.ORG

Re: SMF Bridge Redirect Login?
  • 2007/5/1 2:41

  • BroHam

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  • Since: 2007/3/31

I was thinking it would have something to do with the code in the index.php where the bridging is taking place, but I will take a look at the block login html, too. Thanks for your thoughts. Appreciated.
I don't know.

Re: SMF Bridge Redirect Login?
  • 2007/5/2 19:11

  • jscorrea

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  • Since: 2004/8/29


Any progress?


Re: SMF Bridge Redirect Login?
  • 2007/5/2 20:44

  • giba

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Yesterday it was launched a new version of simple-xoops.de with some corrections and new features.

Re: SMF Bridge Redirect Login?
  • 2007/5/3 17:12

  • BroHam

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 100

  • Since: 2007/3/31

Any progress?

No, not yet. Since I am still trying to build the site, I can leave this alone for awhile and hope Orstio's next release of the bridge accommodates this issue. Maybe the next release will be available before I finish my site. If not, I'll have to figure out a solution. I really want to stick with SMF.
I don't know.

Re: SMF Bridge Redirect Login?


I have the forum up and running but on my home page the login section of the mambo site is replaced by the SMForum section to login. How do you change it back to the original mambo login section

If you go to modules (backend) you can see both login modules. The Mambo one and the SMF login. If you want the Mambo one, unpublish the SMF login, and publish the Mambo one.

But only the SMF one will login the visitor for both Mambo and SMF! If you are unsatisfied with the way the SMF login looks, you can of course also modify the SMF login (in the folder /modules/mod_smflogin (or something like that)

Looks like a clue to me.... on this thread

Good luck.
hhttps://xoops.org/modules/repository .. It is time to get involved - XOOPS.ORG

Re: SMF Bridge Redirect Login?
  • 2007/5/15 22:12

  • BroHam

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 100

  • Since: 2007/3/31

Here you go! Courtesy of Orstio, in this Simple Machines thread.

Add to the bridge's index.php file, just before the end of the integrate_login function:

$_SESSION['login_url'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];

Works well.
I don't know.


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