I am still taking small steps to build my site, and I do not have it turned on, so I will leave out my url for the time being.
I am using XOOPS 2.0.16, and the default themes all work correctly. The theme fiblue3d, however, does not allow me to PM members. If I send test users a message through the system admin area, there is no way for users (or webmasters) to reply to messages in an inbox either.
SELECT * FROM test_config WHERE (conf_modid = '0' AND conf_catid = '1') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
SELECT sess_data FROM test_session WHERE sess_id = '50cb389d96f7df8cf37ba9d1e75fbdeb'
SELECT * FROM test_users WHERE uid=1
SELECT * FROM test_modules WHERE dirname = 'system'
DELETE FROM test_protector_access WHERE expire < UNIX_TIMESTAMP()
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_protector_access WHERE ip='69.***.***.**' AND request_uri='/modules/system/admin.php?fct=preferences'
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_protector_access WHERE ip='69.***.***.**'
INSERT INTO test_protector_access SET ip='69.***.***.**',request_uri='/modules/system/admin.php?fct=preferences',expire=UNIX_TIMESTAMP()+'60'
SELECT * FROM test_configcategory
SELECT * FROM test_group_permission WHERE (gperm_name = 'module_admin' AND gperm_modid = '1' AND (gperm_groupid = '1' OR gperm_groupid = '2'))
Total: 10 queries
I have a feeling this issue has a simple solution, but I have not been able to figure it out. So far, I have uninstalled and reinstalled repeatedly. I have tried several ways, including allowing modifications, cloning templates, and yes, clearing the cache and/or template_c(except the index file). I have also taken permissions into consideration. Nothing works. Is this a problem with a file? Do I need to alter a line in a file? pmlite.php, an index.php file? Or do I have to abandon the theme?
There is an easy fix, right? What am I missing? Thanks for any help.
I'm sorry if this is covered somewhere else on the site or one of the other XOOPS related sites. I have looked hard and found no answers.
I don't know.