Re: Installation issue

Sorry that I can not be more informative at this point but yes we need the above mentioned information to be able to properly help you. Personally I have no clue what BitNami is but assuming that is a host provided script that installs Xoops for you.

So unfortunately that information does nothing for us to help you.

We need specifically your versions to insure you are using the latest versions of the software and are using compatible versions to what you have. Until you provide that information there really isn't much we can do to help.


Re: Installation issue

Please give us more information.

We need to know at a minimum the version of xoops, php and modules that you have installed. Which can all be gotten from the admin menu.


Re: Keeping some Formulize compatibility

Sorry if I confused anyone. It appears they are working on getting it to work with 2.6 but at this point I am guessing it is a work in progress.

Formulize is cool in its own right. I played around with it and made some suggestions to the authors but never got involved with it.

Re: Fatal error: Class 'XoopsErrorHandler'

Can you verify that your PHP is still 4.0.5? Sounds like your PHP was upgraded on you without your knowledge. It is hard to believe that ANY hosting company would still be using a PHP as old as 4.x with the security issues and such that go along with it.

I am not familiar with the 2.0 code base to offer much help but we can start with finding out what version of PHP you truly have.


Re: Unable to install Xoops, Please help

Ok lets start with the basics...

What version of PHP are you using?
What version of mySQL?
What version of Xoops?

What operating system are you using?

And what have you actually done so far with your installation?
You unpacked the source code and copied the contents of the htdocs to the web directory you intend to use right? And you already tested the directory with a basic index.html file before putting anything else in there to insure it actually works?

We can start there...


Re: Delphi ans Xoops

It should be mentioned that you would need a database that is compatible with PHP. MOST common databases are compatible but if your applications are using a specific not common database it may not be possible if there is not a PHP connector for it. Regardless this would require an application written from scratch and depending on what you want it to do could become complex and expensive if someone does this for you.

I just did a quick search and did not see much mention. Can you provide a link to the system you are using so we can better point you in the right direction?

My initial suggestion is that it will require a programmer to write from scratch but not knowing what your programs have as components makes it very difficult to make a call here.

I did see a mention of something about lutece being XML based but it really is a shot in the dark without knowing more information.


Re: Keeping some Formulize compatibility

Mamba is correct. There is a function in the old MySQL driver that was not included in the xoops connector that isn't supported in Doctrine so Richard added it for legacy reasons to both. So if you try to run the latest code from the github you MAY have to either run the full 2.5.7 code base or if you are not comfortable with that just copy over the file from 2.5.7 to your 2.5.6 and over write the old file found in the same location.


From your base directory. (Found in the htdocs in the svn)

Re: Keeping some Formulize compatibility

I would suggest you check out the Github page for the current versions...


It is apparent that the author is working on this right now because he proposed a change to the database connector for 2.6 to make it work with forumulize.

I proposed a better solution because I think his issue could be a sign of future compatibility issues but waiting for a response.

Re: HTML Signature. Possible ?

A solution will require modifying the current code. Without looking at it I believe it is "sanitized" which means all HTML code is stripped out before saving it to the database.

I was supposed to do some major work with Profiile but due to a variety of issues I have not been able to do what I have planned. Once I have my computers back up and running properly I will see what I can do but I can't promise anything at this stage. When I look at it I can see what I can do with these fields.


Re: Xoops 2.6.0 alpha 3 issues

Personally I think REQUIRING composer to install xoops is a bad decision. It works (sort of) while under development but it will be a cause for much grief moving forward. A package that a user installs must be seamless and include everything.

I could be wrong but until composer is a default inclusion in PHP I think it is a very bad decision to force people to install composer in order to use xoops. I don't think it is a bad idea to include the code with the installation so someone could update the included packages if they want but 90% of the users that are going to want to install xoops will not want to fuss with having to have to install something else first and it will be a very big and continuous support issue.

Attending College working towards Bachelors in Software Engineering and Network Security.

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