They both check out fine. Everything worked fine until a few hours ago.
While the URL I'm directed to is invalid. Once I enter in my correct URL I do get to my website (and yes, the system considers me logged in) and do everything else without problem. I can also logout and be directed to my homepage URL without any problem.
I have a site running 2.0.3 on shared Linux server.
Everything's fine until few hours ago. I login and get the "welcome message" then get redirected to an URL that is "http://www.mysite.com".
It's basically somebody's URL tacked on to my URL! -- which of course returns an "cannot find server" error message.
I called my host to see if he can duplicate the problem with a temp username/password -- yes, he can -- so I guess it wasn't a cookie problem -- because it's the first time he has signed in to the system.
He's looking into it now too but is sure that the other URL isn't a site that they host.
Sorry guy, this is driving me nuts. As admin, I can delete the user's account, change her username and email address... but I can't change the URL she typed in for her website.
I've deleted the URL, saved her profile, no change. Delete URL again, saved her profile, still no change. Repeat many times, still no changed.