kakos wrote:
I try to attach a .jpg and a .png image file and I receive the following messages:
1st "An error occurred while uploading the file.
- MIME type not allowed:
- The file you are trying to upload is too big. Error: 1
If the page does not automatically reload, please click here"
Value: 1; The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini
moss wrote:
I have this message :
xoops_load is deprecated. See how to replace it in file /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/Xoops260/htdocs/include/functions.php line 58
xoops_load is deprecated. See how to replace it in file /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/Xoops260/htdocs/include/functions.php line 58
renderImageNav() is deprecated since 2.6.0. Please use renderNav()
When I go in images tabs, somes images doesn't load and sometimes i even have blank screen but no errors... If I have this blank screen, every page of site don't work. I have to kill session to come back on workfull website
$modversion['dirmoduleadmin'] = '/class';
$modversion['icons16'] = '../../media/xoops/images/icons/16';
$modversion['icons32'] = '../../media/xoops/images/icons/32';
timgno wrote:
This must be discussed with the core developer, because if I insert a statement like this:$modversion['dirmoduleadmin'] = '/class';
$modversion['icons16'] = 'icons/16';
$modversion['icons32'] = 'icons/32';
in the file xoops_version.php, this does not work the same even if not return errors